Thursday, May 2, 2024

Watch Out Baby Jesus


Watch Out, Baby Jesus!


The Spin Doctors are working 24/7 to get our president off the hook for turning Easter into Transgender Day.  The governor of New York is an “unindicted co-conspirator” by her edict to require white-pink-blue lights to be used to illuminate major historical buildings in NYC to show support for the president’s sacrilegious proclamation.  Our president, his party, and media acolytes made weak “I’m sorry, I made a mistake” statements that were not believed by our religious communities or by his base of supporters.

The late Dr.  J. Vernon McGee, Bible teacher, predicted years ago the following three phases of national decay and destruction:

1)      Spiritual Apostasy--falling away from Biblical truth and religious institutions.  With some notable exceptions, church attendance, Bible study, prayer meetings, missions, evangelistic outreach, and yea, even giving of tithes and offerings, are on the decline in most churches.  (Just look at the numbers in your church.) The results upon the next phase are frighteningly obvious.  An unidentified judge declared decades ago, “A child brought up in Sunday School is seldom brought up in my court.”

2)      Moral Awfulness.  Look at the news on TV/Podcast and you’ll see crimes hundreds of light years beyond depravity that are the lead story, and fill most of the rest of the broadcast.  Our open southern border is a flashing neon billboard that attracts citizens from all across the world—most unvetted—several later arrested for violent crimes.  New York state is the poster child for coddling criminals with little or no consequences for terrible crimes.   Hypothetical question “How many more outlandish—I think sinful—proclamations will our spiritual communities be expected to endure before God’s vicious wrath?”

3)      Political Anarchy—the last stop on Dr. McGee’s continuum of national destruction.  Few of our readers will publicly admit to thinking—just as I am—that Civil War or something akin to it, is no longer unthinkable.  Daily the lines between red and blue states are hardening.  Courage is absent--from Congress to our churches.  Right is now Wrong and Wrong is now Right.  Will Christmas be renamed to pump up a weakening base???  May Almighty God have mercy upon America.  


Glenn C. Peck

Shawnee, OK

Monday, July 31, 2023

Age of Zealots


                                       The Age Of The Zealots

 I suggested to my wife, if the Lord should tarry, future historians might refer to the world we live in as “The Age Of Zealots.” For readers who have stopped watching Jeopardy since Alex Trebek died (I sure have), here’s the Oklahoma definition of a zealot: A zealot is someone who tries to sell you a horse, you say “No” and he kicks you in the shin, headbutts you to the ground, and stomps on your face before running away.

In our country---make that the world---a zealot is lazar-focused upon a single issue. Failure to adopt their position often results in physical harm, major economic damage, and a media assault that ruins your career and tags you with all sorts of adverse adjectives. Our nation is a hodgepodge of zealots knitted together---think grandma’s patchwork quilt---especially at election time. To make matters worse, the mainstream (aka lamestream) media runs to champion every zealot position that degrades, demeans, or damages our traditional values and morals.

Americans not only vote in elections---they vote with their pocketbooks.  Wokeism can come with painful prices. Consider two recent gender identity blowback examples. Bud Light has lost an eye-watering $28.5 billion in market value. In some spots, Bud Light is cheaper than water! Costco has placed the “Death Star” on Bud Light. This means they will not be re-ordering Bud Light. Target is another company that is feeling the blowback for selling clothing (even for infants) that caters to the Woke crowd. Target has lost a staggering $15.7 billion in market value. (BTW: I stopped shopping at Target years ago when they placed end caps containing “Fifty Shades of Grey” books, DVDs, and related items so teenagers could have easy access to these controversial items.)  

Finally, one of the lesser-known disciples of Jesus was Simon, the zealot. A zealot in those days was a person who sought to overthrow the Roman government by violent means. When Simon was called by the Master, he became a saved, humble servant. Pray today’s zealots will do the same.


Glenn C. Peck       

Friday, May 19, 2023

New Exciting News

 In March, I was married to a most beautiful, talented, compassionate, and Christian woman. She and I are in the Sunset years; yet, do not let anyone tell  you passion dies at a certain age. Ours is alive and well!

Our marriage has healed a lot of pain from our individual pasts. Our future is very, very bright under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

To readers who may feel alone, pray for a companion---Dr. Jesus still makes house calls!

Glenn <><

It is still the Cross!

Thursday, September 29, 2022



Like most blogs, this one has grown by fits and starts. Take time to search the contents. Stories, poems, real world experiences are throughout the blog. Many spelling and grammar mistakes: Please forgive this 81 year old man!

Comments are always welcome.

Remember: We are just a story at the end of the day. What kind of story are you writing?


Sunday, February 21, 2021



                          In praise of Old School education           

An old illustration reapplied: The late Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once said he could not define pornography, but he sure knew it when he saw it. I cannot define Old School education; however, I am Exhibit A of an Old School education.  Proof follows:

1.     Between 1947 and 1955, I attended a small rural grade school (Junior High hadn’t been invented). One teacher per classroom, teaching two grades: First and second, third and fourth etc. While one grade was reciting, reading aloud, or doing blackboard exercises, the other awaiting grade did assignments in preparation for their turn. Memorization and penmanship was stressed. We memorized poems from Poe, Service, Longfellow, Kipling, Tennyson, Frost and many others. We also memorized portions of important historical documents. Discipline was immediately dispensed, probably too harsh by today’s standards. The right hand side of the report card informed parents of “citizenship” matters. My future avocation and vocation was hatched by reading about a Kansas farm boy—Tombaugh---discovering Pluto. Edison, Franklin, Pasteur, Wright Brothers, and others guided my interest in science.  We enjoyed two recesses each day ---no organizers, no supervisors. Fights in lower grades were stopped by older students.

2.     In my opinion, Old School education built this great nation, built strong citizens and contributed to building strong families. The question then and today: What is the purpose of education? For me, it is learning to learn. Education, regardless of content, is never a graduation from learning; but a continuing opening of new vistas in information, inspiration, and dedication to making a difference in our woefully short life. In grad school, my major professor illuminated a pathway in my understanding of education when he would often opine that Process can be Content. (Don’t try understanding this while driving!)  Many of our doctors and scientists who come from outside America have roots deep in Old School education.

3.     Our teachers today are overworked and underappreciated. Society has now defined teaching as the last knot for students to hold on to before adulthood. That knot includes substance and emotional abuse, sex education, maternal counseling,  conflict resolution at school and at home, financial assistance, helping new students to “the land of the free and home of the brave” to assimilate,  helping students with single parent issues, dress and behavior standards, and maybe, just maybe, some time for course material.

Glenn <><