Saturday, January 13, 2018

Roy and Joni ( Chapter 8 )

                          PLEASE READ EARLIER CHAPTERS FIRST

Friday night finally arrived. Roy took a shower in the morning and another one late Friday afternoon---Ditto on two shaves (He really didn’t need either one.) Joni settled for one 2 hour long tub bath, with several ounces of “Summer Evening” bubble bath. This date for both Joni and Roy was wrapped in mystery and tied with a multi-colored cord of anticipation. For Joni, several dates were part of her social history. Roy, on the other hand, could count his special dates on one hand---really three fingers. On the surface, and to an outsider, this was a classic case of a seasoned veteran dating a rookie. This was not going to be a boxing match; however, each could easily envision some “clenching.”  

Roy had unfolded and refolded Larry’s hand drawn map to Joni’s home so many times, a couple of the sections looked as if they had been cut with a sharp knife. The “Lewis and Clark” map to future adventure and delightful discovery rested securely next to Roy in the passenger’s empty seat. He was surprised, and a tad disappointed, he was not more anxious.  He knew that when he saw Joni again all bets were off. He had started for her house several minutes earlier than necessary and he slowed way down about five miles from her house. The closer he came to her house, the more times he looked into the rear view to check his front teeth and hair. This was going to be a big, big evening  so he put two chlorophyll breath mints in his mouth, without thinking his tongue turned green—that’s just great! He quickly used his tongue to rubber around his mouth in a desperate attempt to dislodge the green stain. The main advantage of his double dose of breath control is that it worked like a champ. Maybe a little green in the mouth is not all that bad. Fresh breath trumps a green tongue---at least in Roy’s book.

Meanwhile in Joni’s home she gargled Listerine so many times her tongue was practically numb. Hair check number three confirmed that she was mission ready. Ditto her white blouse with the almost obligatory gold mustard seed necklace around her well-scrubbed, elegant neck. Joni was indeed a beautiful young woman. Tonight she was nervous. She really wanted to get to know this country boy who cannot fast dance. She liked him for that reason alone.

Roy parked on the street in front of Joni’s house.  He bravely walked onto a small cement landing in front of an aluminum storm door and rang the doorbell---now it was nervous time. Joni’s mother answered the door and welcomed Roy into the living room. His introduction of himself was not Fuller Brush greeting material, but it got the info across. Joni’s mom looked as if she was on some undisclosed road to recovery. She walked to the stairs, lifted her voice  and announced to her daughter that her date was there. Joni slowly walked down the dozen or so steps and gave Roy the biggest smile she had. Roy was overwhelmed by her beauty, her hair, her smell, and her clothes which did ample justice to her shapely figure.

Roy stuck out his right hand toward Joni. She preempted the handshake and without warning gave him a polite grade school kiss on his cheek. This innocent kiss prompted Joni's mother to look down and attempt to wipe a non-existent piece of lint from her dress.He could feel the warm color rising and he swallowed hard and said, “Gee, Joni you look great.” Joni’s mom viewed his comment as an opportunity to exit stage left into the dining room.

Joni simply replied, “Thanks, I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Sure thing Joni.”
“Mom, we’re leaving now.”
“Fine, Roy it was good to meet you. Enjoy the movie”
“Nice to meet you also.”

Roy opened the varnished front door and the  storm door for the prettiest girl he had ever seen.Outside, Joni grasped his hand and they glided to the car. Passenger door opened, Joni slides in and Roy confidentially walks around the front of the car and took a couple of deep breaths before opening the driver’s side door. So far so good. This was exactly what he had hoped the first date would be.

Without any attempt at etiquette, both spoke exactly at the same time, “I didn’t think Friday night would ever get here.” They both laughed as she slide over next to her first date with this real farm boy who looked like he was no stranger to the sun and heavy, hard farm work.

Off to the movie.
                                    To be continued…….