Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 16)

                                           (Please read previous chapters first)

Sometimes the fear of the answers prevents asking the right people the right questions. Such was the case while Larry pondered calling Joni to find out what she had told Roy about their relationship that ended with heartache on both sides.

For Larry, there was the regret he had placed himself and Joni in such a horrible situation at the motel. He knew what the two of them had agreed to was wrong and he was ashamed of his childish behavior he displayed when Joni had the courage and moral sense to say No. He also had much fear about what she might have told Roy about the two of them. He was fearful too of how his relationship with Roy might be permanently damaged.  He remembered what his grandpa often said, “Two wrongs never made a right.” After several hours of unease, he called Joni because Roy had not sufficiently answered his admittedly prying questions.

Finally, he called Joni. After the predictable pleasantries, Larry started his questioning.

“Joni, Roy told me you had mentioned to him we had once dated.”

“Yes, I did. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, I was just curious.”

“Curious about what?”

“You know, how we got along and stuff like that.”

“Larry, it is very impolite and most dishonest to play mind games. What do you really want to know?”

“Joni, did you tell him about our motel incident?”

“Larry, it is none of your business if I did or didn’t.”

“Joni, I told you I was sorry about that.

“I sure do not remember anything other than you saying you wished the whole sad event hadn’t happened. I did not hear much sorrow or regret in that. I was wrong to even agree to go with you knowing what was planned. And you sure were wrong in calling me names that hurt me, hurt me real bad. And if that was not enough, you would not lend me the money to get a separate room which made me spend a night in the same room with you. “


With voice breaking and sobbing just a couple of seconds away, Joni spoke very loudly, “Mr. Larry, you shouldn’t worry about what I may have told Roy as much as you should worry about what you never told me!” 

“Joni…” The phone went dead.

Larry thought to himself how he really messed that call up. But he also knew, for the very first time, he had not ever really been sorry for the way he had treated Joni.

                                       To be continued……