Friday, February 28, 2014



It was only the Grace of God and Time that enabled Mark and Susan to keep pursuing their respective careers in spite of the pain. Mark would often remember the admonition of his college baseball coach, "Gents, sometimes you have to play through pain."

Following graduation from seminary, Mark was called as an associate pastor at a small church in Redlands, CA. When the senior pastor retired, Mark was the unanimous choice to succeed him.

In two years, under Mark's leadership, a new worship center, daycare, gym, and education space was completed and the 200 members soon became 1,500 members.  

A staff of 15 helped Mark and the church to meet the spiritual needs of the local population, minister to the ballooning Hispanic community and to work with the many international students at the nearby Loma Linda University.

The phenomenal growth of the Mountain View Church made Mark a frequent speaker at church growth conferences. A hectic schedule of three preaching services on Sunday Morning, endless staff meetings, weddings, funerals, counseling, and hospital visitation ruined his feeble attempts at staying in shape. He was no longer the fleet footed center fielder that once seemed destined to be in the major leagues. He was paying the price of sacrificial service.

During this entire journey he never stopped missing Susan, but he did occasionally ask God if it was right for him to serve others yet hurt her and him so much.

Alone on his bed at night he often recalled the softness of her skin, her clear and cheery eyes, and the captivating fragrance of her flowing blond hair. He could almost hear her reassuring sweet voice that seemed coated with love and desire. He longed to see her again, smell her again, hear her again, and yes, kiss her and draw her close to him.

Mark was unaware that Susan's modeling career was on the fast track and getting faster. She was featured in the last two Sears summer catalogs, appeared in a ton of fashion shows, traveled to Rome, Paris, and London to judge several design contests, and she appeared in a half dozen info commercials. It was the info commercials that caught the eye of a production company's casting executive who would later invite her and her agent to Hollywood for a screen test.  

Susan worked very hard to win and maintain her ascent to the top. She went through three hard workouts each week; counted calories at each meal; and tried with modest success, to be in bed by 11 pm each night. Her skin remained flawless, even without makeup. Her posture was West Point correct and her eyes had the dual feature of compassion and competition glowing within them. Her toned figure remained a major selling point in the cut throat world of international class modeling.

She could model an evening gown to open a fashion show; change a dozen times; and bring the house down with the latest in the new line of fashionable beach wear. Susan was a genuine, smoke free, drug free, silicon free, head turner, both on the runway and the sidewalk.

After firing her first two agents who each had substance abuse issues, she found a tireless, likable  and reliable agent that located all of the modeling work she could handle. Good help has always been hard to find. 

Like Mark, she often reflected on their storybook romance together. Would she ever see him again?
Wonder if he ever married?


Thursday, February 27, 2014

REVERSE MORTGAGE---The Cold Hard Facts !

Perhaps I was wrong in assuming all of the readers of this Blog were familiar with the term Reverse Mortgage. 

The dog and pony shows on TV about Reverse Mortgages are incorrect by omission. Actor Fred Thompson is the worst at omission. For example, they fail to mention that while the deed does remain in the owners name; so  too do the taxes, insurance, city or county fees and assessments, etc. The payback interest rate makes a pawn shop look legit! 

Here it is in a nutshell---A Reverse Mortgage is nothing more than a Home Equity loan with a much longer repayment time frame.. It is polished to look like something else but at the end of the day it is just a Home Equity loan with an enormous interest rate..

If any of our readers want to challenge that assertion, I'll print their response in full without any editing. 

I have been forced to learn more about this topic than I wanted to. Serving our church families requires many topics be explored. (I do not like what I am discovering on this topic!)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

REVERSE MORTGAGE---A True Horror Story

A family in our church recently came to the knowledge their recently deceased father had, against all advice, taken out a Reverse Mortgage prior to his demise. 

Approximately 12K dollars was borrowed. Either through ignorance or intentional design, he paid nothing in the year following the loan. That same 12K has now ballooned to 28K AND the mortgage company is demanding either the 28K or the deed to the property---worth about 100K.

Some of the family members are still reluctant to see where their elderly father ("He was too smart") was scammed by a woman and her two adult daughters. Outside observers can see this clearly.

I am not making any financial advice or estate planning information. What I am stating is a true case where a Reverse Mortgage has created a major burden for a good family. Also, elderly relatives need a trusted family member to handle their financial affairs. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Please read Part 1 and the story will make much more sense.

Susan did not immediately know what to do; but she knew her life long dream, from her first Barbie Doll to her graduation, to become a professional model was totally incompatible with being a pastor's wife.

The next 10 days for both Mark and Susan seemed trance like, neither believed in Zombies, yet they both seem to walk and talk in an numbed state of mind and body. They would briefly see each other when CDs and other items were located that belonged to the other. Both hated these necessary, but awkward, meetings. Neither mentioned the reason for the breakup.

Mark called baseball scouts from the Angels, Cubs, Giants, and Cards and told them of his decision to enter the ministry. Two of the scouts used language he had never heard before and probably never hear again. All expressed major disappointment. Only one wished him well in his career in the ministry. 

Susan had a job offer in Chicago at the Front Cover Modeling Agency even before she graduated. A phone call and a couple of emails later and the position was officially hers. 

Mark, on the other hand, was starting from scratch. His pastor in his hometown church made a couple of calls on his behalf. The necessary seminary paperwork arrived in an Overnight Delivery the next day.  It was completed that night and faxed back to the Gateway Seminary in San Francisco the next day.

In spite of the mental hygiene that comes with positive work, both had a dull pain that felt like a headache that would not go away: Perhaps it never would.

Susan and and Mark had a finally meeting in their favorite sit down sandwich place. Each ordered only a Coke. Neither said much. Their tearful eyes said everything for them. Outside, a third grade kiss on the lips and an embrace that seemed like minutes served as the official and  final good-bye. Driving was very difficult for both.

Someone has wisely observed that about 10 percent of our lives is what actually happens to us. The remaining 90 percent is how we react to the 10 percent. Would the hurt ever subside for both Mark and Susan?


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


You will not believe these young dancers 

I can watch this for a long, long time !

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

Monday, February 17, 2014



                     THE MINISTER AND THE MODEL

It took Mark Robertson two weeks to pray up enough courage to tell her.

It took Susan McElroy two weeks to stop crying after he told her.

In less than 60 seconds, Mark brought a four-year, white-hot relationship with Susan to a complete halt. Friends and family were equally stunned by the out-of-the-blue announcement by Mark. How could he do that?

Both had just graduated from State College, with highest honors. Mark was Mister Everything in baseball. He batted .407 for four years, led his conference three years in RBIs, Slugging Percentage, and Stolen Bases. He covered center field with gliding ease and had a powerful laser like arm. He led the nation for two straight, years in Put Out Assists from the outfield. 

He was a handsome specimen of very high intelligence and sound body, articulate, and steady boyfriend of the most beautiful girl on campus---Susan McElroy

Susan won so many beauty contests her father had to build a larger glass door cabinet to hold them all. In college she was elected Homecoming Queen, the
 Sweetheart of Sigma Chi, and a sure fire bet to win the State Miss America contest---the death of both grandparents on her mother’s side in a three car accident took her out of competition. She was a talented singer, tap dancer, and the top student in her professional modeling and fashion design class. She and Mark had it all figured out: His almost certain baseball career and her frequent out of town modeling appearances would fit together nearly perfectly. 

However, all of those plans evaporated when Mark announced he no longer could deny nor ignore the unmistakable Call from Almighty God to be a minister.
After all he was a frequent speaker for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,  assistant Youth Director in both his local church and campus church, and a much sought after speaker at high schools throughout the state. His affirmative answer  to the Call of God meant his T-Ball through college dreams  to play in the major leagues was now a thing of the past.

Dreams can die in an instant but memories never do.

Susan now had a very difficult decision to make concerning her plans to be a professional model or forget about her altar-bound relationship with Mark. Mark was unmovable about his decision to enter seminary as soon as possible. He and Susan seemed destined to spend their lives together---what was she now to do ?  

Glenn  <>< 
Just West of Yesterday

Part 2 Will Appear Next Week 


Sunday, February 16, 2014

GET THE PAIN KILLERS OUT !!!! Boogie Woogie Championship

WOW! What creative energy these young folks have.

Interestingly, no USA dancers in the finals. Lots of music from the good old US of A.

Many, many more dancers on You Tube. Check out Fred and Ginger.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

++++++++++COMING SOON ++++++++THE MINISTER & THE MODEL ++++++++++++COMING SOON +++++++++++

A New Short Story Will  Be Posted Soon !!!!!!!!!!!

Successful careers cannot quench the desire of the heart for real love. A minister realizes the call of God on his life can result in sacrifice of his own happiness. A model who has stars in her eyes must choose between her career and her heart. Her decision will impact several lives and so will the minister.

Help spread the word that the Blog is back on the air and the future looks very, very bright !!!!!!!!!