Sunday, February 23, 2014


Please read Part 1 and the story will make much more sense.

Susan did not immediately know what to do; but she knew her life long dream, from her first Barbie Doll to her graduation, to become a professional model was totally incompatible with being a pastor's wife.

The next 10 days for both Mark and Susan seemed trance like, neither believed in Zombies, yet they both seem to walk and talk in an numbed state of mind and body. They would briefly see each other when CDs and other items were located that belonged to the other. Both hated these necessary, but awkward, meetings. Neither mentioned the reason for the breakup.

Mark called baseball scouts from the Angels, Cubs, Giants, and Cards and told them of his decision to enter the ministry. Two of the scouts used language he had never heard before and probably never hear again. All expressed major disappointment. Only one wished him well in his career in the ministry. 

Susan had a job offer in Chicago at the Front Cover Modeling Agency even before she graduated. A phone call and a couple of emails later and the position was officially hers. 

Mark, on the other hand, was starting from scratch. His pastor in his hometown church made a couple of calls on his behalf. The necessary seminary paperwork arrived in an Overnight Delivery the next day.  It was completed that night and faxed back to the Gateway Seminary in San Francisco the next day.

In spite of the mental hygiene that comes with positive work, both had a dull pain that felt like a headache that would not go away: Perhaps it never would.

Susan and and Mark had a finally meeting in their favorite sit down sandwich place. Each ordered only a Coke. Neither said much. Their tearful eyes said everything for them. Outside, a third grade kiss on the lips and an embrace that seemed like minutes served as the official and  final good-bye. Driving was very difficult for both.

Someone has wisely observed that about 10 percent of our lives is what actually happens to us. The remaining 90 percent is how we react to the 10 percent. Would the hurt ever subside for both Mark and Susan?


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