Monday, November 7, 2016

"TOTO, This Is Not Y2K Eve Anymore!"

Toto, this is not Y2K Eve anymore”

Recall New Year’s Eve 1999: Can you remember that computers were going to fail, airplanes were going to fall out of the sky, the power grid was going South, financial disaster (especially, ATM’s locking up), and even there was a muted forecast of civil unrest. Fear was pandemic.

The depth of the fear in Washington, D.C. over Y2K is perhaps best dramatized by this true, and heretofore, unpublished account. Our son-in-law worked for the U.S. Senate Federal Credit Union (Yes, Virginia, there is a Senate credit union!) as an IT specialist where he was responsible for the ATM’s used by Senators and their staffs. The credit union established a command post and our son-in-law worked 30 straight hours and had a safe full of greenbacks in the trunk of his car to deliver money to lawmakers if the ATM’s refused to work! That friend is real fear!

The ballyhooed Y2K came and went like a shower in the Oklahoma Panhandle.

As of this writing, the Mother of All Elections is just hours away. On this Election Eve there is fear, real fear, that is many times more important than a single computer digit not working. The widespread fear now is the entire U.S. electoral system will not work as our Constitution proscribes---One eligible citizen equals one vote.

Pollsters tell us the presidential elections are too close to call. Even before the first State is called there are very possible take aways (carry out food in England is referred to as “Take Away” food) regardless of who wins:

  1. The intense rhetoric and accusations are too personally vicious to be as easily forgot as Y2K. If this campaign of 2016 is a forecast of the future, we are doomed.
  2. Traditional political parties will wilt or maybe disappear. New parties like “Globalists” and “Nationalists” are likely to appear.
  3. The U.S. mainstream media are polluted beyond redemption. If the new international administrators of the Internet permit, most trustworthy information will continue to come via the digital media.
  4. The wisdom of Cicero, 58 BC, still rings true: “The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.”

Glenn <><

Just West of Yesterday

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