Monday, February 26, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 10)


The next kiss was much, much different. Both had an unspoken understanding of the impending difference. Roy moved his face a few inches in front of Joni’s face and stopped to survey, like an artist, the many beautiful and splendidly inviting features. Both of their eyes spoke volumes without saying a word.

Their lips joined together in purposeful slow motion. The kiss was long, deep, and intense. Joni’s tongue was joined by a new combatant and the match was declared a satisfying draw!

Joni caught her breath and struggled to utter, “Wow! Roy you are one fast learner.”

Roy, in a low, yet complimentary matter of fact manner replied, “I owe it all to my wonderful teacher.”

Several seconds evaporated before Joni spoke, “Roy, have you ever wondered just how crazy all of this is?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know, we’ve maybe been in each other’s presence for maybe an hour total. You don’t really know me----who I am, where I’ve been and what I’ve done.”

“OK, I guess that is all true. However, I do know I like you a lot, a whole lot.”

“Roy, maybe we need to slow down and get to know each other better.”

“Let’s talk about that after the movie; which theater, Savoy or Bijou? Will it be Tracey and Hepburn or Roy and Dale? You choose.”

Joni pretended to be in a closed consultation with her innermost being when she replied, “Hmm, since we are rational adults…., However, I’m a sucker for Singing Cowboys. Let’s saddle up and ride over and spend an evening with the singing Roy Rogers and his duet partner---Dale Evans.”

“Well, pardner, they went that’a way sheriff, “ as Roy shifted the car into gear and headed toward the Bijou.

Joni stole a look at her compact mirror, smiled, and gave Roy an innocent cousin-like peck on his right cheek.

After an hour and a half singing saga of “The Cowboy and the Senorita” and another half hour of Coming Attractions and a Buggs Bunny cartoon, the pair of first time daters squinted their eyes as they emerged from the dark theater onto the sidewalk illuminated by the fast blinking marquee white light bulbs.

They walked hand in hand about three-quarters of a block to Sammy’s---a sweet shop with hamburgers and hot dogs. Joni knew the next part of their very pleasant first date would be hard for her, very, very hard.

                                 To be continued……    

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Roy and Joni (Chapter 9)


For the first few blocks, a mutually acceptable study hall-like silence spoke with deafening force. At the first Stop sign, Joni took a nervous big breath and slowly exhaled through her Revlon-shuttered mouth. This nonverbal cue signaled Joni's next intentions. She lifted her left hand to the elevation of Roy’s right shoulder and with the index finger of her left hand, she made a couple of upward gentle strokes that started at the base of Roy’s hairline on his neck.

When she returned her hand to its original location, Roy said in a voice much lower than normal volume, “What would you think if I said I wanted to stop this car and kiss you right now?” Before she could answer, he continued, “Joni, I’ve been held captive by the memory of our first kiss after the party. I’ve never had anything like that happen to me before.”

“Roy you really are a rare human being----you just don’t know any better than to say what you think. I like that, I like it a lot,” she said in an approving voice, buttressed by a toothy smile.

Now, it was Roy’s non-spoken turn to perform the big inhale-exhale exercise through his green coated month. “Do you remember what I asked you,” Roy inquired? Joni quickly responded with a studied, yet happy voice, “I would say, find the next place to park this car and I’ll give you my answer.”

Beckham’s Donut Shop’s parking lot had been empty since noon. With soldier- like precision, Roy rolled his window down and stuck his left arm out in a right turn inclination. The car stopped in the welcoming parking lot after only about 20 feet from the street.

 He left the motor running and turned his face and attention to look into her cosmetically finely-tuned cover girl face. “My goodness, you are so beautiful.” Joni had been complimented many times before about her stunning beauty; however, none had the simple honesty of Roy’s observation.

He scooted a few inches closer to Joni and kissed her. By a comparison to a car race, the first kiss was just a practice lap. The next kiss was somewhat more intense and it could be called the parade lap. He could not help but think in a micro-second intermission before the third kiss, “I wonder if she’ll use her tongue on the next kiss?” Meanwhile, Joni was thinking, “I don’t want to appear to be a love-starved female, yet that kiss after the party meant so much to this good-looking farm boy and it meant a lot to me as well. Should I kiss him like I did before?”
                                               To Be Continued…….    

Glenn <><                      

Sunday, February 4, 2018



I have mentioned before, I love old classic Country music. In fact, I can go way, way back to the original Jimmy Rogers, Ernest Tubb, Hank Williams, etc. For me, most modern Country music is Rock and Roll with boots on!

However, I introduce to Blog readers one of the modern Country singers (David Ball) that had a hit from a few years ago that says something to me and maybe, just maybe, someone I can't ever forget!

Just West of Yesterday,

Glenn <><