Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kit and Rosanna v.2.

  This a re-post: The comments from readers are even better than my fictional story. I urge you to read all of them. 

                                 Kit and Rosanna 
In the mythical country of Abolana lived a young man who was named William Carson. Because his last name was Carson, classmates nicknamed him “Kit” after the famous American western hero who was named Kit Carson. Kit enjoyed the nickname and often thought about how he could be a hero of his life. In high school the path to his future began to take shape; he enjoyed reading, science, math, and writing. Many of his male classmates thought him weird.  

Rosanna McCormick was a fickle, yet beautiful young woman, who was willing to cast her charms upon the next male suiter she met. Kit knew of Rosanna’s proclivity for emotional and physical folly; yet, he was captivated by her heart-stopping beauty. Over the years, Kit and Rosanna enjoyed, if you can call it that, an on-again off- again relationship. Rosanna was always looking for the next car to slow as they negotiated a sharp turn nearly in front of her house---maybe a good-looking guy was driving the slowing vehicle. Kit was never able to speed down life’s emotional road as fast as Rosanna wanted. In spite of her passion for all the gents, Kit believed that if she would just wait, he would attempt to more adequately express his love for her.   

A few years after school, Kit was working alongside a classmate who sarcastically remarked that Rosanna had gotten married to a man they both knew. Kit felt like a cowboy in old western movies who had been shot in the stomach who was hurting so bad, yet he had no means to hasten his own death. There are pains of various kinds; Kit felt he had just discovered a new off-the-chart level of emotional heartache. 

Sometimes in life when a person misses one train, a better one comes along. Kit married a wonderful woman who had a most winsome personality and a genuine sense of love, trust and devotion. Kit attended higher education institutions one after another and developed a talent, maybe a divine gift, of sensing the needs of others and providing the exact combination of empathy and common sense. 

Six decades of children, grandchildren, and the very stuff of life past with a normal mixture of joy and setbacks. During those three score years Kit often thought of Rosanna in terms of wonder and fantasy. He knew he and Rosanna would meet again and he might once more describe his once held feelings for her. 

Life often has predictable courses of events, just like the seaward flow of all streams. At a planned meeting of students who had attended Abolana schools, Kit and Rosanna would meet again. At that meeting, Kit attempted to talk with Rosanna about her life. She sharply and sarcastically said she did not want to talk to Kit. For a very few minutes, Kit was once more back in time six decades ago when he had learned Rosanna had wed another. Thankfully, these feeling quickly dissolved and faded painlessly into the night. The relief came within 60 minutes, not sixty years.  

Rosanna appeared unhappy for her life choices and Kit was now beyond joy in the choices he had made. She had made the wrong choices; he had made the right choices. Maybe she regretted her choice of husbands, her lack of additional higher education, maybe she was jealous of Kit’s total life. Regardless of the reason, this once whimsical boy-chaser was now captive to a life of bitterness and resentment. Kit, on the other hand realized he was free, wonderfully free, of any memories of Rosanna.  
Glenn <><