Thursday, December 26, 2019

Kit and Rosanna v.2.

  This a re-post: The comments from readers are even better than my fictional story. I urge you to read all of them. 

                                 Kit and Rosanna 
In the mythical country of Abolana lived a young man who was named William Carson. Because his last name was Carson, classmates nicknamed him “Kit” after the famous American western hero who was named Kit Carson. Kit enjoyed the nickname and often thought about how he could be a hero of his life. In high school the path to his future began to take shape; he enjoyed reading, science, math, and writing. Many of his male classmates thought him weird.  

Rosanna McCormick was a fickle, yet beautiful young woman, who was willing to cast her charms upon the next male suiter she met. Kit knew of Rosanna’s proclivity for emotional and physical folly; yet, he was captivated by her heart-stopping beauty. Over the years, Kit and Rosanna enjoyed, if you can call it that, an on-again off- again relationship. Rosanna was always looking for the next car to slow as they negotiated a sharp turn nearly in front of her house---maybe a good-looking guy was driving the slowing vehicle. Kit was never able to speed down life’s emotional road as fast as Rosanna wanted. In spite of her passion for all the gents, Kit believed that if she would just wait, he would attempt to more adequately express his love for her.   

A few years after school, Kit was working alongside a classmate who sarcastically remarked that Rosanna had gotten married to a man they both knew. Kit felt like a cowboy in old western movies who had been shot in the stomach who was hurting so bad, yet he had no means to hasten his own death. There are pains of various kinds; Kit felt he had just discovered a new off-the-chart level of emotional heartache. 

Sometimes in life when a person misses one train, a better one comes along. Kit married a wonderful woman who had a most winsome personality and a genuine sense of love, trust and devotion. Kit attended higher education institutions one after another and developed a talent, maybe a divine gift, of sensing the needs of others and providing the exact combination of empathy and common sense. 

Six decades of children, grandchildren, and the very stuff of life past with a normal mixture of joy and setbacks. During those three score years Kit often thought of Rosanna in terms of wonder and fantasy. He knew he and Rosanna would meet again and he might once more describe his once held feelings for her. 

Life often has predictable courses of events, just like the seaward flow of all streams. At a planned meeting of students who had attended Abolana schools, Kit and Rosanna would meet again. At that meeting, Kit attempted to talk with Rosanna about her life. She sharply and sarcastically said she did not want to talk to Kit. For a very few minutes, Kit was once more back in time six decades ago when he had learned Rosanna had wed another. Thankfully, these feeling quickly dissolved and faded painlessly into the night. The relief came within 60 minutes, not sixty years.  

Rosanna appeared unhappy for her life choices and Kit was now beyond joy in the choices he had made. She had made the wrong choices; he had made the right choices. Maybe she regretted her choice of husbands, her lack of additional higher education, maybe she was jealous of Kit’s total life. Regardless of the reason, this once whimsical boy-chaser was now captive to a life of bitterness and resentment. Kit, on the other hand realized he was free, wonderfully free, of any memories of Rosanna.  
Glenn <>< 


  1. Dude, I know this was just a story; however, it seems way too real for me and my life. I had a girlfriend exactly like Rosanna! Thank goodness I didn't marry her. She is soooooo unhappy today. Keep on posting--I like your short stories best

  2. Hey, I concur with the previous comment. During high school I dated a beautiful girl who was movie star material and was the best kisser I ever knew. Through a mutual friend, I discovered she was now trapped in a hopeless, loveless marriage. Sometimes better things do come to those that wait---thank goodness I did. WOW---guess I dodged a bad marriage.

  3. I married a girl exactly like the two you guys are describing. She has maxed out three credit cards, leaves at all hours of the night and says when I ask where she has been and she always says,"A girl just wants to have some fun; besides, it gives you more time to help our three kids with their homework. She had the nerve to give me a new vacuum cleaner as a Christmas gift. Consider yourself lucky by not marrying a girl like my wife!!!!She gets mad when I can't recall the names of the gents who call for her when she is out of the house. The oldest two kids call their mother by her first name!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "Kit" you are my hero. I should have been smart like you. Dumb has a long memory.

  6. Kit, I envy you
    I am afraid to leave my wife who redefines bad. She threatens to put some of our private pics on the internet. I make good money and drains the debit card each.I am helpless !!!

  7. Why is that every where I turn I see stories--albeit fictional--that seem to tell my life story? Rosanna must be everywhere. At least, she sure fooled me. I lost my pride, confidence and money to her. I will be sleeping in my car very soon. Why? Oh, why did she do that to me????

  8. Would you believe it? Would you believe it? I was standing in the check out line just before Christmas at our local grocery when I saw my "Rosanna"checking out in the adjacent lane. She saw me, but pretended not to see me. Bet that has happened to you. She looked 20 years older than me and here's what I saw, she was pregnant, had a toddler in the seat of the shopping cart, and two pre-K or kindergarten twin girls in tow. She and her off-spring were dressed ala Goodwill. Her checking out was slowed because she used some sort of public assistance card to purchase her groceries. I thought to myself, man oh man,how fortunate I was not to have married this woman. I left the grocery store and on my way to my car I saw her and the children getting into a mini-van that looked as if it had survived the latest county fair demolition derby. Here's the ultra sad part: Two young men were seated in the front seat, both smoking, and one was drinking from what appeared to be a Bud-Lite beer can. My "Rosanna" had to open the back door of the van, herd the kids in, and load the grocery bags into the van by herself. On this day after Christmas, I wonder if those precious children received anything for Christmas?

  9. Guys, if we can convince Glenn, if that's his real name, to sell his story, there is enough gents who have real-world Rosanna experience to make a TV mini-series that will surely sell. What say?

  10. Mini-series advocate is aiming too low. I have enough dialogue and heart-breaking experience with my Rosanna to make a major movie. My story has everything---even Rosanna's family trying to force me to remain silent. No way Jose!. "And the picture of the year Oscar goes to....... Rosanna."

  11. Seems to me you chaps are rather rough on Rosanna. Could it be you are blaming her for your own gullibility and lack of discernment. Perhaps she was wiser and more determined than you lads. To her credit, she knew what she wanted and would not permit anything or anyoneto stand in her way. I don't know if there is a medical term "malfocus" which implies she was focused and you were not. Cheerio!

  12. Seems as if Rosanna is everywhere. I met her about 12-15 years ago in our small rural town. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. We established a very quick relationship, which should have told me something, and we were married within a couple of months of our first meeting. Her desire was to leave her "hick" ---her words---town and enjoy the fun and excitement of the big city. When we got there, I worked two jobs, driving a delivery truck during the day and clerking in a convenience gas station from 6pm til midnight. This barely paid the rent and groceries. Rosanna was ultimately hired to do public relations at the biggest retail store in the city. Since I was only home from about 1am until 7:30am, we seldom met. We left notes to each other on the frig door in erasable marker. She soon started bring in huge amounts of money---all in 100 dollar bills. Her wardrobe looked like a fashion show in Paris. She would every now and again give me a $100 for gas money. She said she couldn't help with the rent or groceries. Many times she would come in after I had gone to bed and she always slept until 10am before she left for work. Then it happened, I was making a delivery when the manager of one of my stops started talking about the hottest chick in town. He bragged about having to get on her calendar just to have a "date" and what a date it was. She was very very busy. He said to me, if you ever want an extra good time,here's her cell phone number. I nearly passed out when I saw the number was my wife's cell number. I made a quick get away to a city park where I sat in my truck without moving for a couple of hours---how could she do that? I faked a cold to my boss and raced home to confront her. Rosanna left a message on the frig saying her company was transferring her to Europe. She left a couple of 100 dollar bills on the kitchen table with a note written on three table napkin using lipstick--"I am sorry, but I love my job and its rewards more than you.--Thanks and good luck---Rosanna." As I said, she is everywhere. Better watch out!!!

  13. Somebody needs to start a "Rosanna Confession" website. You guys are not alone, I had my own Rosanna experience. She met me on the internet and within three months we were wed. Alaska was her determined location for our honeymoon. I wanted Hawaii or the Caribbean. No dice, it had to Alaska or else no wedding. It was in July and she insisted on booking an Alaskan fly-in fishing trip. BTW:Those planes are expensive. The plane taxis in on a beautiful lake with snow capped mountains in the background.Looked like a picture post card. The lodge where we were staying was called the "Reel-Inn." After a big mouse steak dinner, Rosanna wanted to take a walk alone near the dock. She said for me to get everything ready for our first honeymoon night. After about 30 minutes I went down the small gravel lane toward the dock.It was semi-dark even at midnight. All I could see was the float plane that brought us to the lodge. I assumed it was there to pick-up fishermen who had stayed their week in the lodge. As I got within a couple hundred feet of the plane, the motor on the plane started slowly turning.Rosanna was nowhere in sight. I started running and so did the motor on the plane. The plane slowly taxied out to open water and with a loud roar, took. off. I assumed Rosanna was somewhere near the lodge. I ran at top speed toward the lodge. I yelled at the desk clerk if he had seen her. "Some woman left this wallet a few minutes ago and said to give it to you." I grabbed the wallet and discovered my credit card, $4500 in travelers checks, and my library card were missing. There was a note that read, "I guess I caught another sucker in Alaska. Anyway, he does have a pilot's license, a full tank tank of gas and we are headed somewhere exciting. It was real and it was fun being married to you, but it was not real fun! I also have your cell phone and our tickets back to the lower 48. Not sorry, Rosanna PS: Hope you catch some fish!!! I sure did.

  14. This may not be the same as other comments, nonetheless, here goes: My "Rosanna" ditched me after I bought her a new car. I thought we were headed to the altar. For a few months I lived in a funk and went thru life like a Zombie. I worked up some courage, along with Jack Daniels, and I called Rosanna's house to see if she may have left my I-Pad and about 70 hard rock CDs. Her older sister, homely looking gives her the best of it, said Rosanna had moved to Phoenix, But, she put my stuff in a box and said I could come by any weekend and pick it up. That chance phone call, with Martha answering the phone, started a well-planned relationship with evil intent in mind. Martha was 12 years older than Rosanna and was even an administrative assistant to the president of a local after-market car parts company. She had an above average salary and a rather large 401k built up. She decided we should get married and because her father was dead and her Mom lived on a small annuity payment, she would bust her 401k to have a wedding the family and the entire town would remember. My plan was working perfectly and she and Mom went crazy planning a wedding fit for a queen. Six bridesmaids and an equal number of groomsmen were just for starters. Martha said she had told Rosanna that her old flame was to become her husband. Nonetheless, she would gladly serve as one of the bridesmaids. Her $1000 wedding planner directed all be present for the 1:30 pm wedding no later than noon. I was dressed in my Tux and joking with some of the groomsmen when I announced I needed to briefly step out and walk to a nearby convenience store to get some Tic-Tacs. Unknown to anyone, my car, complete with our honeymoon luggage, was parked behind the convenience store. Yep, I did the unthinkable. I hopped in my car and sped out headed for a flight to Alaska. Life does seems to always work things out.

  15. You guys have got to be kidding. Right! My Rosanna did me the biggest favor possible. After she left me, she married a first class thug who had served time in the joint and twice attempted to kill me because I was dating Rosanna. After the great Rosanna-Thug nuptials, the thug got wind that the tri-county drug task force was about to drop the net on him. As a result, he and Rosanna reportedly left the good old USA and are now requesting citizenship in Sicily. The boys there will take real good care of Rosanna and Mr. Thug. I can sleep better now, thanks to Rosanna.

  16. Short story of my Rosanna experience. Her father, a man who will never appear on Jeopardy, hit me up for a $5K loan. I politely refused, he went berserk,and Rosanna said she would never marry a man that treated her father that way.Shortly after our breakup,he made her sell her car, took a second mortgage on their home, busted both of his younger kid's college savings accounts and was arrested for embezzling money from the non-profit organization where he served as treasurer. Maybe Rosanna can get some other sucker to help Daddy repay the $120K he stole while gambling at Vegas. His trial is next week. I wonder what Daddy will look like wearing an orange jump suit?

  17. My Rosanna got me to the altar and then into the bankruptcy court shortly there after. That women never met a sale she didn't like or a new restaurant she didn't want to visit. Within a year or so she was a Jenny Craig, Nutri Systems, and Weight Watchers drop out. That women loved to spend money and to eat. Sometimes she would read sales info while chowing down on a $45 a person lunch. When we married I had about $300K in savings and she weighted 123 lbs. Tonight as I write this, I have declared Chapter 11 and my weight is down from 195 to 131 lbs. This is no joke, a few months ago she rolled over on me in bed and broke 3 of my ribs! Even now, I can't take deep breaths. We went to counseling and we were told we didn't need Dr. Phil we needed Judge Judy. I would divorce her in a New York minute, except her father, who spent 7 years in the joint, told me in no uncertain terms that if I made his little girl cry he would break more than my ribs. I am broke and I fear being broken.

  18. I fully realize your post was a fictional story; however, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. My Rosanna was an 11 on the 10 Scale. Her voice sounded angelic. Everything she did fueled my desire for her. We wed in a ceremony that would make the Royal family jealous. It was big, really big. Rosanna's folks went all out. (I now think to get her out!)Have you ever seen a 5-tier Wedding Cake? Ours was huge; yet barely fed the 4 generations of her family, my family, friends, and the curious.The local newspaper had a large story before the wedding and a three column account after the "I do's" were said. The owner (my boss) of a mid-size manufacturing company in our town even promoted me to director of sales and marketing. The pay was fantastic; however, I was on the road (really in the air) about 12 days out of each month. On one trip I closed the largest contract in the history of the company and even was able to cut my trip short by a day and a half. I didn't tell my wife (OK, some know where this one is going) about returning early. I did the flowers, candy, and jewelry routine to really surprise her and celebrate a monster monthly payday. As I turned the corner to our house, I saw an assortment of vehicles, a pickup truck, a Candy Apple Red Mercedes, a Ninja motorcycle, and even an old police car that was bought at auction. Before I got to the door I could hear loud Rap music and could smell the unmistakable order of Weed. When I opened the door it was like cockroaches running when the kitchen light is turned on I would estimate about a half dozen young men trying to get past me, some even went out the backdoor. The sound of simultaneous vehicles starting at once sounded like the start of the 500. Rosanna came flying out of the bathroom, partially clad, and stoned into an unknown universe. I threw the flowers and candy to the floor, the jewelry remained wrapped in my coat pocket. I asked what was going on and Rosanna with a devilish smirk said, "You are gone so much, I just wanted some entertainment until you got back." I turned around and got a motel room and went, without notice, to our attorney's office the next day. Before I parked, I noticed a Candy Apple Red Mercedes parked in the attorney's space. I wanted a few minutes before I was asked into his office. Our attorney once dated Rosanna before I married her. Even before I could say "Hello" he said you had better get another lawyer and hustled me out of his office. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  19. A few months after I complete Basic Training at Ft. Sill, my brother sent me a text that my Rosanna dream girl had been busted with manufacturing of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and intent to distribute a controlled substance. The DA told the newspaper she could get 7-10 years in the slammer. Rosanna should have joined the Army, the Chinese Army!!!! Maybe the DA will find some more charges.

  20. I am not sure how life works. Here's my story: Rosanna and me were high school sweethearts.I was the one who lived on the wrong side of the tracks. My dad is a handy man and barely makes enough for gas. Mom does custom sewing. Sis babysits and I work at a convenience store. Rosanna was born on third base.Her father is a stockbroker.One night I was on the porch and he came home drunk and demanded I stop seeing Rosanna until I get a "real" job.He called my parents "cheese truck chasers" and "food stamp collectors!" I waved goodbye to Rosanna and haven't looked back. Maybe that's how life really works.

  21. Any guys ever have this to happen to you? I kicked the cheating Rosanna out and while I was at work,she used a key I thought I had collected from her and took my fishing gear, stereo speakers,entire Star Trek DVD collection, bronzed baby shoes, posters of Jane Mansfield, tooth floss, AND my dog Bozo. Guys, change your locks as soon as Rosanna leaves.

  22. This kind of stuff can't be real! Rosanna is happily married to me. We live in the basement of her mother's house. My Rosanna works for an accounting firm in the day and works as a hat check girl for 4 hours every night --not Sundays. I was making dog collars and got laid off because we ran out of leather. I take care of the basement, help her mother with yard and other heavy duty work. I have been off work about 2 years--I'm holding out for a management POSITION!

  23. Wowzer!!!!What a collection of tales about Rosanna. I was within a couple of weeks of marching down the aisle with her. One evening, I made an unannounced trip to Don's house, he was my Best Man. I saw Rosanna's sports car out front. I walked to the door which was half opened and I saw Don and Rosanna clinging to each other on the couch. I am not sure they saw me. Nonetheless, I broke off the wedding because I was not sure of some important matters, very important! Rosanna's mother wanted to kill me. Don kept asking "Why?"
    My future was shot in my own home town and I moved to Iowa and lived with an uncle until I could find a job and my own place. Quickly landed a job in the local John Deere dealership as a driver(I have a CDL) hauling tractors to customers.
    On one trip I met a beautiful, single, only daughter on one of the largest farms (owned and rented) in Southern Iowa. Dating, serious dating, more serious dating, engagement, and wedding followed over about a year of exciting love and unbelievable bliss. Her father treated me like the son he never had. He gave us, hang on to your Stetson, $500K as a wedding gift, had a house built for us on ten acres with a stocked fishing pond, a new Ford 250 pickup, and assurance that when he moved to the big farm in the sky, the entire 12,875 acres would be ours.!!!!!!! Tell the Publisher's Clearing House to remove our name from the grand prize list !!!!!! (Wonder how Rosanna and Don are doing?????)

  24. You guys are something else! These comments are enough to make a short story. I doubt if all of them are as advertised. My Rosanna divorced me after 15 years of ups and downs and the judge sided with me and gave me sole custody of our 4 kids (14,11,8 and 3). Here's where I made a big, big,big mistake.She remarried and had two more kids, plus she got 3 of here second husband's kids. If you are keeping score, I have the original 4 and she has 5 others. She called and asked if she could come to our oldest daughter's birthday. Like a fool, I said yes. She and her tribe came and I had to get a bigger cake and three more gallons of ice cream. After the party, my mom said she would watch the kids if I wanted to talk to Rosanna alone. We went to IHOP and talked about kids and our busted relationship. Over the next three months she and I texted and called each other several times. We decided to try a second go around this time with 9 kids. Things went smooth until Rosanna started cheating on me again, back to court and as before the judge awarded the 9 kids to me. As we left the courthouse, she hopped into a van with two guys and shouted toward me, "I got you again sucker!!" Somehow with my mom's help and the state welfare office I will make this thing work---I have to, no else will!!!

  25. Man, this virus thing proves conclusively that I was lucky to escape Rosanna. Imagine if I had to be with her during the quarantine thing. Somewhere some other sap gets to put up with her in the same house/apartment for 14 days! Knowing her, she will sneak out each night to meet some new guy from a bar.No telling what she might bring home. Can you say Covid-19? No Rosanna--No Problem. Period!

  26. From the president, the preachers, and the pundits, there is a concerted effort to find some good news in the Covid-19 pandemic. Without exception, they all talk of a better tomorrow. Stop the presses---I have good news today. Rosanna does not live with me and I do not live with her!!!!!

  27. Bullseye! That last comment was right on target. I shudder to think of what I would be experiencing with the Rosanna of my earlier days: A house full of loud children, limited food in the house, and Rosanna on the Internet ordering more clothes and shoes AND staying up to 2am each night in chat rooms and exchanging photos with strangers. I can handle Covid-19 but not the Rosanna I once knew!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Quick question. Do you put Rosanna on your Census report? If I had a women like her I would not only leave her off the report, I would leave her off of my life!!!!!

  29. Here's my take on Rosanna: On our first date her old man asked to borrow twenty bucks. He had been drinking and I was afraid not to comply. When Rosanna discovered my family owned a small manufacturing business, she started getting "very, very friendly." A date was soon set for the wedding. Enter her sister who was two years older and her looks seemed to be a road map to an old maid asylum. When I would be in the living room waiting for Rosanna, she would always wear tight short, shorts and wink at me. I told Rosanna how uncomfortable the sister made me feel. Rosanna laughed and told me her sister would sometimes parade buck naked from her bedroom to a bathroom down the haul. At the wedding rehearsal dinner, her sister all but raped me. In addition, her mother was as drunk as any person can be and still remain upright. My salvation arrived when an uncle of Rosanna's pulled me aside and said if I valued my sanity and maybe my life, to get out of Dodge right now. I briefly protested until the older sister started an impromptu strip tease. I faked a headache and excused myself to head to my care for my first aid kit. I found an old Walmart sack and with a magic marker I carried in the glove compartment, I wrote the following, "Sorry--I'm too young to die!" I put the sack under her windshield wipers and sent a quick text to my brother in nearby Denver and told him to let everyone know I was safe, but cannot be contacted. (I went to Yellowstone and fished for three weeks on the famed Madison River. Also, I hooked up with a county fair carnival and got a job guessing ages and weights, I call my father each Father's Day ,mom is gone, and text my brother weekly. These carny folks are great people. They are just misunderstood!!!)

  30. I am not an expert on all that goes into a mini-series or a made for TV movie; however, the comments made concerning Rosanna have enough plot text to make for a very, very interesting story. Also, it would be grand fun to attempt to locate some of the comment writers to serve as tech advisors. (BTW: I was directed to this blog by some chaps at work who had some most amazing stories of their personal encounters with Rosanna.) Cheerio!

  31. I was not so lucky as to avoid the sting of my Rosanna. After about 6 months, her mother and aunt moved in with us. We have about 1200sq feet---three small bedrooms and a bath and one half. For 4 people---soon to be 5 when our baby boy comes in about 7 weeks. Her mother complains because we have not ordered a Netflix account for her and Rosanna's aunt to enjoy. With my pay from the car wash and weekend yard jobs we can barely afford cable TV. City supported Section 8 rental support makes it possible to not become homeless. Rosanna was working part-time at a convenience store before the COVID-19 hit. She quit because fears for the baby's health. Here's the super bad part---I caught Rosanna in a chat room with some joker from the Philippines. Her reply--"We are just digital buddies." Also, I accidentally caught her taking nude pics in front of our dresser mirror. Here reply, "I just want to see how much weight I had put on." My boss at the car wash said he would fire me if the collection calls do not cease. BTW: Rosanna's aunt gave a couple of loan sharks our address and place of employment---for me! Rosanna has not put on an abnormal amount of weight; however, that cannot be said for mom and the aunt. Both have gained about 25 pounds since moving in with us. Ho Ho's, Ding Dongs, Twinkies, Snowballs (Pink color only please)and donuts will do that to a person. Rosanna says she still loves me and promises things will get better when the baby comes and the pandemic is over---I have my doubts and fears.A man of 26 should not go crazy! I wonder how I will make it through each day. I have learned how to pray. BTW: I have lost almost 30 pounds since the great move in!!!! Few of my clothes fit anymore and we have no money to get better ones. Goodwill in our town is closed because of the virus. The past week, I have gotten out of bed at 4:30am to beat the professional aluminum can gathers who hit the streets with their stolen shopping carts. In 6 days I have made a grand total of $3.17 !!!!!I am about to go to sleep typing this at our local library which is open two hours each day.

  32. A fellow at work told me this story about his younger brother who lived in Kentucky. The brother was parked with a Rosanna near a small mountain stream. He saw a light coming upstream. Thinking it was just guys gigging for sucker fish, he thought nothing of it until the light got close enough to where he could recognize one of the guys as Rosanna's hyper jealous ex-boyfriend. The Dude had a Go-Pro camera with a light attachment in one hand and a pistol in the other. Realizing he had been set up by Rosanna to make the ex even more jealous, he started the car and spun gravel breaking the light and the Go-Pro. Two shots rang out, one striking the lower left quarter panel. My buddy's younger brother took Rosanna to one of her friend's house and returned with a shotgun to scene of the encounter. The ex-boyfriend was not there; however, the ex called the younger brother the next day and said he had better think about moving or else. The younger brother closed out his affairs that afternoon and caught a Greyhound to his brother's city. The older brother is hiding him for a few days. Guys, I am telling you that Rosanna is bad medicine---really bad medicine.

  33. Well you Kentucky Rednecks do not have a monopoly on crazy fishing stories with Rosanna. I live in the Northwestern part of the USA and fishing, especially salmon fishing, is big sport and big business/ Rosanna and I were casting for King salmon and a pickup truck pulled into the parking lot that was sightly above the river. We heard it before we say the game warden. The game warden was in plain clothes, usual attire here where game laws are really strict. I pulled my license out and Rosanna said she left hers at home. The game warden said I will have to take Rosanna to the county jail until her fine of $600 is paid. Like a fool, I told her, in front of the game warden I would pay the fine and get her out. The game warden said that was unnecessary if I would just give him my credit card number and he would handle all of the paperwork and Rosanna could keep out of an orange jumpsuit. She begged me to do it---like a dummy I did. On Monday I called the courthouse to make sure she was clear of any charges. THEY NEVER HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT ROSANNA OR THE GAME WARDEN ARREST!!!!! I called Rosanna to tell her I had been scammed. A male voice answered the phone and said Rosanna had gone to live with her sister in Idaho. His voice sounded exactly like the phony game warden who got my credit card number. It has taken me over 19 months to get my stolen identity straightened out. My credit score is permanently shot. No, I have not seen Rosanna again---thank goodness!!!!
