Friday, August 12, 2011



A month after arriving at Elmendorf, AFB, Alaska, I got up very early on a Saturday morning and made my way to one of the five lakes located on the base. I had three rods and baited each and sat on a small dock waiting for action. I got action alright but not from the fish!

Within a few minutes I heard a loud rustling sound from a nearby patch of trees. Having been warned about the bears, I walked very fast to my Suburban. Out of the trees came a large, I mean large,  1800-2000 pound bull moose. I nervously sat in the Suburban with my windows rolled up, except for a small space on the driver's side. The moose was so near I could see the tell tale moisture trail from his nostrils. He walked around the small clearing, ate some grass and disappeared back into the patch of trees. After a few more minutes I went back to the dock to resume fishing.

Again, after a few more minutes, I heard a different kind of rustling in the trees. Once more I hot-footed it to the Suburban. As I closed the door a black Mama bear walked half way into the clearing, sniffing the air. She went back into the trees and soon reappeared with two cubs, obviously born earlier in the year. They made their way to some garbage cans where she found a few bites to eat and shared this "bonus" meal with her cubs. She, and her off spring, went back into the trees. I ran back to the dock, grabbed my rods and gear and made it safely back to the Suburban. 

Before I could start up to head back to our quarters, two different black bears came from another direction to raid the remains in the garbage cans. In a few minutes a Security Police truck, on routine patrol, stopped at the lake and the two new bears scampered back from whence they came.

As I contemplated the events before heading home, I thought to myself "It's a long way from Graham Creek in Indiana to the wilds of Alaska."

Monday, back at my duty station, I made sign that said "Wildlife 6, Peck 0" I had lots of fun retelling the story to the many that asked about the sign. I also mention my Graham Creek thoughts as well.

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