Thursday, August 11, 2011


Folks, you cannot make up stuff like this !

This event happened around 1956-57. A neighbor of ours worked at the North Vernon Arvin Ironing Board factory. (Note: Most of you recall North Vernon was once called the Ironing Board Capital of the World!) For what ever reason, he wound up with several gallons of paint that can only be described as a hideous PINK.

Within a couple of weeks he had painted his Model A Ford, using a paint brush, from his abundant supply of paint. By today's standards it might be called COOL. Then, it was merely dumb on four wheels!

Next, his entire small house was this horrible pink color. (Note: This was several years before spy satellites; however, if they had been around then I am confident his house could have been seen from earth orbit!) 

This true story now takes on a really surprising turn. The Pink Painter gave a portion of the paint to the youngest son of his nearest neighbor. The son, not yet in high school, painted his bike---using a corn cob as a brush! Here you must use your imagination--- the painted bike had a crinkle like finish, with occasional curved streaks of the original bike paint showing through the new pink paint. His bike could be seen a quarter of a mile away.

The neighbor with the pink car and house was also a pioneer in television entertainment. During the hot summer nights he would bring his television out in the front yard and his family would arrange their chair in theater style to watch the TV. The screen faced the road, thereby making it possible to see what they and the many bugs were watching!

As I said at the start of the Post, you can't make up stuff like this!

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