Monday, January 16, 2012

False Spring Is A Big Thing

Weather is the cornerstone of almost all activities in Oklahoma. Rain is a big event. Tornadoes capture hours of live coverage. Ice storms really bring the state to a complete halt. Every home has a NOAA radio. Weather is often the lead story in many news telecasts. In the stores, malls, church, schools, the rainfall amounts are the talked about events.

My grandmother,on my Mom's side,was rumored to be part Cherokee Indian. She taught me that thunderstorms to the north seldom make it to your location. She also said if low hanging white clouds are moving very fast against a black higher cloud bank there is high speed winds coming your way. 

I am not sure if she taught me that in January their will always be a couple of above normal temperature weeks: Called a False Spring.
The high temperature today was 73 and the normal high is 49 degrees. We have experience only a very light coating of snow this winter.

In the church I am privileged to pastor, we have several Native Americans. According to some of them----cattle feeding facing  north is not a good time to hunt or fish. Cattle lying down is another bad sign to go fishing.

Native American culture is a source of strength and confusion for some Native Americans. Some tribes and nations are more traditional than others. Native American elections are seldom final after the first count. Recounts and court cases are very common. Some of the tribes kick out all of the previous administration and hire kinfolks to replace them. Mismanagement and lack of progress reigns in many tribes. The Citizen Pottawati Nation is an exception and retains quality workers regardless of who wins.

There are about 85 tribes and nations in OK.(Over 300,000 Native Americans) They have their own license plates, have their own police force and manage the 200 plus Casinos we have in the state. Gambling addition is strangling our state. The media is afraid to tackle the problem because they fear the loss of Casino advertising.

Somehow I started with weather and stopped with Casinos. I have relatives that are trapped in the gambling jungle. When they rarely win they stay until the payday is zero again.

In spite of millions generated at the Casinos the average Indian is in poverty, unemployed, struggles with destructive addictions. The myth of the Noble Savage is just a myth. 

Most Native Americans are eager to help and are very stoic and almost to the point of being fatalistic. Some are very prejudiced against "Blue Eyes" Most are trying to live in two worlds at once. Often the results are tragic. Our churches are working hard to bring the saving Grace of Jesus to all people,

Do I love Oklahoma and the people here? Amen and Amen!

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