Sunday, October 27, 2013


I do not own the Copyright on this photo
I am speculating the photographer is the same chap who has placed many photos of the James Covered Bridge on the Internet. Furthermore, I think this shot is looking North /Upstream from the bridge.
The photo was taken in late summer when the creek gets very low. I have caught a lot of smallmouth bass from the small pockets of water. Minnows hang out near the weeds and so do the bass. I can close my eyes and almost hear the riffles and smell the cool dampness of the creek. Mourning doves (rain crows) and an excited child's voice can be heard immediately after a couple of car doors slam.
Mussel shells and crawdads cover much of the bottom.  
I have been most fortunate to have fished in some very fine trout streams/lakes across our great country. Have fished in three oceans and the Gulf of Mexico; however, my heart will always belongs to Graham Creek and the many wonderful memories made there.
My gosh I miss it.          Glenn <><

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