Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"SO YOU WOULD KNOW" ----The LeBeaus



Check It Out. Great Message and  A Great Arrangement.

Glenn <><


Following the death of a church member's father, I was asked to accompany the daughter to the reading of her father's Will.

Once more I saw human nature at its most sinful display. Her father had developed a very, very serious relation with a woman about 40 years his junior. This relationship was prearranged by her mother on her deathbed to take care of her boyfriend after her death.

Take care she did. The executrix was changed to the daughter.  Also the major portion of the estate was to go to new executrix instead of my church member. In addition, nothing was to go to the deceased only surviving sibling. He was hurt that he was not named executor instead of a woman his brother had only known for a year.

Even the lawyer for the estate was shocked and amazed by this very strange turn of events.  

I later learned this was a well planned scheme that resulted in the victory for a Gold Digger's family. When it gets dark enough the cockroaches will come out. Not all of the cockroaches live under the sink. I feel very sorry for the family of the victims and those victims yet to come.    


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanks for the Emails---Keep 'em Coming

I always welcome emails. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
One common denominator is that most emails deal with the present. I really appreciate that very much.

One recent email dealt with a widow's plans for travel and family activities. She is moving forward in spite of a great personal loss. That is courage and the Grace of God at work.

Keep reading the Blog and keep those emails coming in.

Glenn <><

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Mister President, Thank you for being a president of personal principle instead of political partisanship.

Thank you for showing Christian compassion instead of contrived concern.

Thank you for spending your time majoring on equal opportunity instead of equal outcomes. 

Thank you for focusing on future generations instead of fickle focus groups.

Thank you for using your early failures as a launching pad for real success instead of a platform for rationalizing surrender.

Finally, thank you Mister President for taking time to personally travel to Gettysburg to deliver a speech of only 270 words. That address honored the fallen, comforted the grieving and defined for generations yet unborn, what it means to be an American.

God Bless You Mister President

Gettysburg---150 Years Later---Greatness Never Dies !

Here is the full text:
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
-- Abraham Lincoln
Nov. 19, 1863


I have referred to a pawn shop in earlier Posts. I will guess that many of the readers of this Blog have never been inside a pawn shop. Maybe you will agree with me, after reading this Post, it is a very sad place.


1. Temporary Cash Need---In spite of high comparative interest, it is a quick, no-credit check way to get some much needed cash for legitimate reasons.

2. Dump Stolen Items---Police regularly check pawn shops for reported stolen property. A smart thief goes some distance from the local area to dump their items.

3. Cash for Drugs and/or Gambling---This is a major motivator for people in Oklahoma to pawn or sell outright important and expensive

Here's the part that really affects me----children and other family members anxiously await, in the car, the return of the person pawning an item. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tornadoes Hit The Heartland---11-17-2013


I am watching CNN and talking to my brother in North Vernon all at the same time. Modern technology is something.

The photos and reports are all too familiar to those of us who live in Oklahoma. While the initial shock will wear off, the effects of material and emotional lose will remain for a very, very long time! 

My thoughts and prayers are with family and friends who are victims of this very rare Fall outbreak of very bad weather. 


Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand   Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand   Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand
True Story
I recently met a man who was on his way to recovering after running 3 food safety Stop signs.
He reported he stopped at his favorite diner to have a hot dog. Here is his near death experience story.
Stop Sign #1: His favorite hot dog didn't look right ---it was brownish in color and wrinkled in appearance.
Stop Sign # 2: His favorite hot dog did not smell right---for the life of me I cannot describe how it must have smelled.
Stop Sign # 3: His favorite hot dog did not taste right----no juice and tough to bite.
For four days following the hot dog experience, he battled diarrhea and severe vomiting. One listener to his story asked if his knees were in a permanent right angle! With his condition picking up speed but losing altitude, he went to the doctor.
Surprise! Surprise ! He was suffering food poisoning and after several tests the problem was traced to the bad hot dog.. He had both salmonella and ecoli poisoning. The doctor stated if not caught the ecoli would have entered his brain with fatal results.
The meds he was prescribed stopped the infection and the long road to recovery started.
Yes, the doctor reported the incident to the health department. Here is where common sense gets suspended. I asked, " Did you inform the hot dog vendor?"
Are you ready for his reply? 
"No, I didn't want to hurt his business." (Emphasis mine.)
Some people you just can't help.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The End of a Lonely and Angry Man

This a real account of a man I know (not a fellow church member) who died (I did not preach the service) and was eulogized by his pastor as being a man of service and great moral character.

One person in attendance asked me following the service if they had attended the wrong funeral? For the man so many of us present knew was a far cry from the man described by the pastor.

The man most of us had known was a very domineering and dictatorial person who seemed to always go out of his way to created problems and bad relations with others, including his own family.

He was a man of great mechanical achievement but never learned the difference between making a living and making a life. He was the poster boy for OCB and perfectionism.

He distrusted everyone, especially those located near him. He would become very upset if a neighbor's tree leaves blew into his yard. Arguments with city officials were commonplace.

Toward the end of his life he had only one friend, his caregiver nurse. Here is the saddest of all situations. She thought he was the perfect man and he thought she was the perfect Christian. Her behavior was equally hypocritical and misleading.

He left behind a tangled financial nightmare. His caregiver is apparently the only person who has the "secret" code to unlock this mess. 

His military honor guard funeral, complete with a 21 gun salute and taps, could not erase the wasted  life he had lived. 

I was very, very glad when the service was concluded. It will take me some time to work through my feelings about this man.


Monday, November 4, 2013

65 and 1/2 Years

I encountered an elderly couple at our pharmacy and asked how long they had been married?

The wife replied, "Sixty five and one half years."

I said, "That is a monument of love."

She quickly remarked, "We are a monument all right!"

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Response to a Reader's E-mail

Dear (Name Withheld),

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

I will attempt to respond to your concerns one-by-one:

1. Yes, I do Post on many different subjects on my Blog. I make no claim to being an expert and only try to speak to subjects that are of interest to me. Some are serious and some are tongue in cheek.

2. No, I do not have any ax to grind with any PCHS classmates or other persons. At 72, my life is way too short attacking anyone. In fact, I have on several occasions sought to make amends with those I may have offended in the past. Also, many Posts have sought to thank those from my past who have left a lasting impact upon my life.

3. Yes, I will quickly admit that much of my writing is very plain and lackluster in style and content. I do have a desire to speak with those that have greatly influenced my life. Perhaps, just perhaps, a Post or two will bring some mirth and thoughtful reflection into a few lives.

4. With a few exceptions, I usually write the Posts without a rough draft. A few of the longer Posts have been exposed to a handwritten Bic pen first. 

5. Yes, I welcome guest Posts. Send them to ke5gk@sbcglobal.net  I'll be happy to share your stories with our readers.   

Hopefully, this answers your concerns. Keep reading and keep writing.

Glenn <><  

Friday, November 1, 2013

You Can Get A Bad Rooster !!!!!!!

A lady in our church shared with me and some other church members about the critters that are
near her family's double-wide mobile home. They live in an area at the edge of the woods.

Bobcats, snakes, and a three-legged fox are regular visitors. She has killed four snakes in her backyard this summer.

They raise chickens and gather their own eggs. Snakes and bobcats have greatly reduced their flock. In addition, a big red rooster has attacked her and their four children; especially, their two year old son.

Her husband and father-in-law were unsuccessful in changing the rooster's attitude.

One day, out of desperation, she grabs the family's 20 gauge shotgun and pulls the trigger. BOOM! Blood goes everywhere and feathers fly straight up.

After the feathers flutter down, she ran to the spot where the rooster stood and all she could find was the BEAK and the TOENAILS!!!!!!