Sunday, November 3, 2013

Response to a Reader's E-mail

Dear (Name Withheld),

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

I will attempt to respond to your concerns one-by-one:

1. Yes, I do Post on many different subjects on my Blog. I make no claim to being an expert and only try to speak to subjects that are of interest to me. Some are serious and some are tongue in cheek.

2. No, I do not have any ax to grind with any PCHS classmates or other persons. At 72, my life is way too short attacking anyone. In fact, I have on several occasions sought to make amends with those I may have offended in the past. Also, many Posts have sought to thank those from my past who have left a lasting impact upon my life.

3. Yes, I will quickly admit that much of my writing is very plain and lackluster in style and content. I do have a desire to speak with those that have greatly influenced my life. Perhaps, just perhaps, a Post or two will bring some mirth and thoughtful reflection into a few lives.

4. With a few exceptions, I usually write the Posts without a rough draft. A few of the longer Posts have been exposed to a handwritten Bic pen first. 

5. Yes, I welcome guest Posts. Send them to  I'll be happy to share your stories with our readers.   

Hopefully, this answers your concerns. Keep reading and keep writing.

Glenn <><  

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