Sunday, November 17, 2013


Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand   Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand   Stop_sign : illustration of Stop sign, 3d, with mouse cursor hand
True Story
I recently met a man who was on his way to recovering after running 3 food safety Stop signs.
He reported he stopped at his favorite diner to have a hot dog. Here is his near death experience story.
Stop Sign #1: His favorite hot dog didn't look right ---it was brownish in color and wrinkled in appearance.
Stop Sign # 2: His favorite hot dog did not smell right---for the life of me I cannot describe how it must have smelled.
Stop Sign # 3: His favorite hot dog did not taste right----no juice and tough to bite.
For four days following the hot dog experience, he battled diarrhea and severe vomiting. One listener to his story asked if his knees were in a permanent right angle! With his condition picking up speed but losing altitude, he went to the doctor.
Surprise! Surprise ! He was suffering food poisoning and after several tests the problem was traced to the bad hot dog.. He had both salmonella and ecoli poisoning. The doctor stated if not caught the ecoli would have entered his brain with fatal results.
The meds he was prescribed stopped the infection and the long road to recovery started.
Yes, the doctor reported the incident to the health department. Here is where common sense gets suspended. I asked, " Did you inform the hot dog vendor?"
Are you ready for his reply? 
"No, I didn't want to hurt his business." (Emphasis mine.)
Some people you just can't help.

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