Sunday, February 14, 2016



All pertinent analogies and illustrations shine needed light to assist in establishing a better understanding of the truth.

Case in point: Many years ago I was fly fishing for grayling on a post card-worthy clear stream in Alaska. It was a warm, by Alaskan standards, sun-drenched Saturday afternoon. The water was so clear and the sun so bright that millions of flecks of pyrite could be seen joy riding down the stream.

After a brief time of scouting this new stream, I found an ideal location to try out some flies I tied. I made a  dozen casts without a strike; removed the unproductive fly and was in the process of tying on a sure winner when I noticed a small streak of muddy water in the middle of this pristine stream. In addition, I could hear faintly what sounded like a lawn mower.

Before completing a trio of casts, the small streak grew to cover a quarter of the width of the stream and the mower sound grew louder. My immediate thought was someone in a low-draft boat was striking the bottom with their motor.

I stopped fishing and was hoping this annoyance would soon stop and I could get back after the beautiful grayling. The muddy water now covered the entire stream and the motor noise seemed right behind me.

The mystery was quickly solved when I saw a scuba diver, with air pack, vacuuming the bottom of the stream depositing its gravel in a small flat bottom boat that was pulled along by the hose of the scuba diver. A small gas engine was providing the suction for this marine sweeper. An accomplice was in the boat quickly sorting the gravel and tossing most of the small rocks back into the stream. These impolite, probably illegal, amateur gold prospectors never acknowledged my presence nor I them. Fishing in this stream was now fruitless. I packed up and headed for my Suburban.
What is the retention value here? What happens upstream (History) has a marked impact on the present. In my opinion, historical deniers and their first cousins, historical revisionist, attempt to create a history that serves the template of their current positions. Witness the full court press  by the main stream media and certain current and hopeful office holders upon the Constitution and the Founding Fathers.

George Orwell summarized it so well— ‘He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. ..
Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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