Friday, February 12, 2016



                               The Future Was Yesterday!

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.” These haunting and prophetic words were uttered by British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey on the eve of Britain’s entry into WWI. This one sentence statement could very well summarize what is happening now in Europe, and many other nations of the West, as hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees stretch the limits of national resources and citizen acceptance. The “tape” of human history is always in the replay mode.

In my opinion, the political, economic, and cultural continuation of some host nations is now problematic. Why? Consider:

1. The scope and speed of the refugee influx has created an unprecedented, unprepared crisis.

2. These refugees (many 18-25 year old males) bring a cultural and religious mindset that almost guarantees the failure of assimilation and certain conflict.

3. Vetting to weed out undesirables who are bent on the destruction of the West was limited to a wink and a nod. These zealots view accommodation as a weakness that must be destroyed.

4. The basic concept of human civil rights --- especially female rights --- is  patterned after medieval times for many of the refugees. For example, dress standards, equality before the law, education, voting rights, freedom of individual liberty, and even driving privileges for females is totally different than the universal civil rights of citizens in Western nations. Witness the growing litany of rapes, robberies, and assaults in Europe upon females by uncontrolled roving mobs of refugee thugs.

5. Massive economic displacement, especially entry level positions, is a prescription for disaster; especially, among the unskilled and poorly educated within indigenous populations.   

During WWI George M. Cohan wrote that rousing and stirring patriotic tune “Over There.” Much less well known is a poem written by Edgar Guest, about the same time frame entitled: “Over Here.” Sadly the struggle against terror, especially after 9/11,  may have had its roots “Over There”, but as Director Clapper of National Intelligence has testified, terrorism, especially the diabolical ISIS flavor, is known to have come to our shores via the unvetted  influx of Middle Eastern refugees and an ISIS attack within the U.S. is likely this year!  

In conclusion, what happened in Europe yesterday is almost certain to occur to the U.S. in the near future.

Glenn <><

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