Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Roy and Joni (Chapter---5)

                      When Dreams and Hearts Collide
                        (Please read previous chapters)

Larry called Joni Sunday after lunch and asked, “Will you be home this afternoon? I have a letter from Roy for you.”

“Larry, I’m sorry we are going to my niece’s first birthday this afternoon. How about reading the letter over the phone to me? Okay?” While she awaited Larry’s response, she twirled a lock of her blonde dyed hair which rested over her right eye.

“Joni, I don’t feel real comfortable about doing that because the letter is in a sealed envelope.” When he said that, he held the envelope up close to his desk lamp. This external examination confirmed a folded letter was inside.

“Come on; he’s your best friend and you and I dated a few months back----s-o-o-o it figures we are all friends here. Go ahead open it and read it to me.” Joni’s line of reasoning was flawed; however, he thought about their short but torrid romance and convinced himself it was probably OK.

“Alright Joni, I don’t like it, but I will I’ll tell Roy why I read it over the phone.”

“Remember Larry, you and I were once special friends, very, very close special friends.”

This was the clincher for Larry. They were very, very good friends. His memory tape went into playback mode. Who could say no to a girl who could kiss like Joni?

Larry tapped the envelope on his desk to insure the letter was settled at the bottom. Even though he felt like one of those communist spies on TV, he tore the envelope open and withdrew the hand printed letter and read it out loud.

Dear Joni,

Do you believe in love at first sight? Before I met you I didn’t know whether I did or not. Now, I’m a believer! Since that wonderful Friday night I have thought of only you. I have never felt this way before. Also, I’ve never written a letter like this before.
I so very much want to see you again; to be near you. I want to inhale your intoxicating fragrance that awakens every part of me , to hear you laugh, and to look into your eyes once more.  Please say yes to my desire to come by your house at 6:30pm this Friday night. We’ll take in a movie of your choice, followed by a burger and a coke.

If possible, let Larry know of your willingness to share a Friday night movie with me. He’ll draw me a map to your house. Please say yes.

Your not so secret admirer,


PS: Please communicate your decision before Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting. I’ll be anxiously awaiting  your Yes.

There was an unannounced silence for a few moments. Joni spoke first, “Wow! I sure do like the way that farm boy writes!”

Larry, swallowed hard and said, “I can’t believe that’s the same Roy I know! He normally talks about his shortwave radio he built and his dream of going to State Tech to studying electrical engineering. Joni, what in the world did you do to Roy?”

“Well you ought to know. You once told me no one could kiss like I could. You and I had lots of practice; I only kissed Roy once---but it was a good one. Tell this cute Country Romeo I’ll be ready and waiting for him Friday night.”

Larry was happy for Roy; however, he could not forget his red-hot dating experience with Joni. She sure could kiss, thought Roy’s best friend.

                                                To Be Continued


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