Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Roy and Joni--(Chapter 4)

             Roy and Joni         ( CHAPTER 4)
                         Please read other chapters first

Roy’s dear Joni letter was unusual---in both content and construction. Larry received it Sunday morning prior to Sunday School at the weekly “Meet and Greet” gathering in the Fellowship Hall. The letter was sealed; consequently, Larry had no idea of what was inside. Later he would learn about the letter---more than he ever wanted to know.

Both going to and from church, Roy was very quiet, even more than normal. For the first time in his parent’s memory, he ate only a small portion of Mom’s beef roast and co-cooked carrots and potatoes. As soon as Sunday dinner was over, he asked to be excused and went silently to his room. 

Once inside, he retrieved his  draft letters from a waste can, the one with a big green 4-H emblem on it, and read them silently and then he whispered the contents of the final draft out loud to hear how it might sound to Joni. Thank goodness he dropped the “How are you? I am fine.” Opener after draft #2. That’s junior high stuff; kid’s stuff; and after all this is the big leagues. As he practiced on the lined yellow tablet, her face, her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her flowing, shiny hair, her head-turning figure and a thousand other features that would fill up a big pickup truck were front and center on his mind and in his heart. He could almost smell her breath taking perfume and taste the sweet residue of their first real kiss. She had captured his apt attention and ruled his entire personhood. He wondered how it was possible to simultaneously feel pride in writing his authentic love letter and feel more than a little fear that his letter was too short? Too long? Or maybe, just Goldie Locks right? For better or for worse, the letter was in Larry’s possession and would soon be given to Joni.

 The short letter, carefully printed on one sheet of Mom’s light blue stationary, boldly said:

Dear Joni, 

                                             To Be Continued....

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