Thursday, June 21, 2018


I provided the following to our 2018 PCHS Alumni Meeting. Most of those attending are over 70 years of age. This seems appropriate:


1.   Attend so many funerals, the funeral homes award you frequent viewer miles?

2.   Have more doctor appointments on your calendar than all of the family birthdays and holidays combined?

3.   Know more first names of Walmart associates than the names of your neighbors?

4.   Purchase each year more Christmas gift cards than actual presents?

5.   Know the title(s) to your car(s) is in the house somewhere, but where?

6.   Watch more Old Western reruns than modern Sitcoms?

7.   Have worn out a couple of pair of good scissors cutting open packaging that Houdini couldn’t get into?

8.   Think students in High School lie about their age, they look more like new Jr. High students?

9.   Have difficulty understanding teenager’s language, music, dress and cell phone addiction?

10.    Need to improve relationships with some family members and Almighty God?

       To paraphrase Willie Nelson, “PCHS you are on my mind”

               Glenn <><  Class of 1959---email:

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