Sunday, June 10, 2018

Roy and Joni (Concluding Chapter)

                                           Roy and Joni –Concluding Chapter
                                                      (Please read previous chapters)

Roy was upset at Larry for not coming clean with him about the awful Joni incident.

Joni was angry at Larry for his failure to express genuine regret and sorrow for the way he treated her.

Larry was very upset at Joni for not accepting his lukewarm apology. After all, she was in on the initial planning of their cancelled motel evening of bliss.

This trio of angry and upset former close friends simmered and stewed for a couple of weeks. Roy took the lead in an attempt to break the log jam of hurt feelings.

“Larry, how long have we been best friends?”

“A long, long time. Why do you asked?”

“Close friends tell the truth to each other. The truth is, Joni shared every detail about the planned motel escapade that went astray”. 

“Hey man, it was her idea too. And besides that, I told her I was sorry.

”Larry, I don’t think she believes your sincerity.”

“What then am I supposed to do?”

“We are not school yard kids anymore. We are young adults that need to own up to our mistakes.”

“Roy, I did a real stupid thing when she pulled the plug on our motel romp. I am  really, really sorry.”

“As your best friend, I urge you to tell that, exactly like that to Joni. Use the same honesty with her as you have with me. She’ll be able to sense the difference.”

“I’ll pray for guts to do that.”

“Larry, I’ll be praying for both of you.”

Larry did follow through and Joni was somewhat reluctant to accept his new apology; however, a few days afterwards, she called him and accepted his truthful apology.

Over the months, Roy and Joni’s relation grew and strengthened. Until one summer night, as they were parked at the bottom of her drive way, Roy asked the love of his life to marry him.
Her immediate and jubilant answer was “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Roy gave her the biggest kiss ever. And he said, “I guess I need to ask your mother if she will give us her blessings.”

Joni’s mother was happy for them and happy she would be gaining another bedroom and freer access to her bathroom.

Larry was Roy’s best man and paid for three nights at Branson, MO. Joni’s mother made the down payment on a new car for the newlyweds. Roy’s mother and father gave them the keys to a new double-wide mobile home and 20 acres to put it on. A pickup truck full of wedding gifts was unloaded at Roy’s parent's house.

As the smiling couple cut the wedding cake, Joni said to her husband of less than an hour, “I’ll always love you my Country Bumpkin.”

“And I’ll always love you my city girl.”

Glenn <><
Just West of yesterday

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