Sunday, May 29, 2011

Favorite Radio Stations 1955-1959

This brief Post will review the radio stations I liked during the 1955-1959 time frame: (From my fading memory)

WAKY---Louisville (New station--- Rock and Roll)
WSLM---Salem  (Flat Top DJ in afternoons---Rock and Roll)
WLAC---Nashville (John R, Hossman, Gene Nobles---R&B)
WOCH---North Vernon (Eddie Sears DJ---Some Rock and Roll)
WJCD----Seymour (Sports, Chicago Cubs baseball))
WLW----Cincinnati (Sports, Cincinnati Reds baseball)
WHAS---Louisville (Sports, KY Wildcats basketball, News)
WAVE---Louisville (Sports and News)
WIBC----Indianapolis (Rock and Roll, Indy 500, H.S. BB)
WCKY---Cincinnati (Country and Gospel)
WSM-----Nashville (The Mother Church of Country Music)
WLS------Chicago (Rock and Roll, few commercials)
KOMA---Oklahoma City (Late at night, Rock and Roll)
WLOU---Louisville (Black DJ--Showbe Dobie--R & B)

All the above were AM stations, FM was yet to come. As you can tell, I listened to a lot of radio---still do. (Ham--- amateur radio operator). I once identified myself as an AM guy living in an FM world!

Side Bar Note: If I was President for just 1 day, I would sign an Executive Order that required all songs have lyrics that a man over thirty could understand!!!

What were your favorite stations?

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