Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The DREADED Freshman Initiation

Fall of 1955 was the start of our Freshman year at PCHS. We had heard rumors of the horrible things that would happen to us during a rite of passage called INITIATION.

A few days into the semester nothing had happened. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe they forgot? Wrong!  Then it happened. The directions were given and the INITIATION was on. We had to dress as our the upperclassmen (I think it was seniors only) directed. I wore one of Mom's dresses and felt like a fool when I boarded the bus.

I don't remember when we were blindfolded and led to the gym. The order of events in the gym is murky. I am very positive of the last one.

We had our hands covered by eggs in a bowl and then we had our hands put into a bowl of flour and required to take a bite. We were told we had to eat an eyeball of some animal. Our hands were guided to a bowl of peeled grapes. We could not see they were grapes. We had to grab one and eat it. The taste gave it away at once.

Next (our blindfolds still on) we were told to have a seat and we would be lifted to the ceiling of the gym. Somehow our chairs were slightly raised and a noise indicated we were on our way up. I was about to scream! Never did like heights. After a few seconds, our heads touched a board held by an upperclassmen and told we were at the ceiling. Then we were told to take our blindfolds off and what a relief to see we were just inches above the FLOOR!

I am not real sure how we got wet but be were directed to sit in a chair that had been connected to the coil of an old car and a hand cranked generator gave us a real shock. The ordeal was concluded and we all survived. 

The upperclassmen had lots of laughs at our expense, but the next day they welcomed us as full fledged members of the Paris Crossing High School.

The Initiation may have gone on one additional year. I know it didn't happen when my class entered the junior year.

Wonder how many lawsuits would be filed if that sort of activity went on today. It didn't kill us and  we were made to feel silly for a day; but we had earned the right to be treated as members of the high school student body!

Its funny how some parts of our lives seem to never fade from our memories. The Class of 1959  started on a grand journey of learning, dreaming, and exploring all the while totally unaware the next four years would shape and mold so many of our futures. Furthermore, we had little understanding that in years to come our classmates, teachers, and events would serve as a centerpiece mental magnet of our individual and collective memories.

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