Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cafeteria Chaos

Long, long, before school lunches became politicized, long,long before school lunches cost 2 bucks a meal, and long, long before schools developed an avenue to handle student discontent, there was the infamous school lunch incident at PCHS.

During our Sophomore year, some of the boys, primarily seniors, showed their displeasure with the food served in the cafeteria by turning their plates over, the food sandwiched between plate and the table top.  This was followed by notes to the cooks from the upset diners. Most were laced with the worst sort of profanity.

The Principal, Ira Whitaker, called an emergency assembly after several days of these events. He started by lambasting anyone who would do such a terrible thing. He said he wanted to find out specific complaints and asked for student response.

One student stood and said, "OK, when we had creamed corn the other day I found more cob in my corn than corn." Lots of student laughter followed. Thrown a bit off stride by this unexpected input, Mr. Whitaker countered with his trump card, " Where else in Indiana could you find lunches like ours for only 20 cents?"

An unidentified sitting student shot back, "Nowhere,  (expleted deleted); they wouldn't allow you to serve it!" Applause and much laughter followed. Mr. Whitaker's face, and bald head, turned beet red and he said in a very loud voice" This assembly is over and so is the terrible behavior in our cafeteria!"

Amazingly, the cafeteria  incidents stopped but the food didn't get any better. At least the cooks were not exposed to four-letter remarks and almost impossible to clean table tops.

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