Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Not So Perfect Storm

I believe this event happened our  junior year.

It was not snowing when the buses arrived at PCHS one wintry morning. About 10am the snow started falling. We are talking half dollar size snow flakes! In a matter of just a few minutes the ground was totally covered and it showed no signs of letting up.

Students with cars were released to go home. Several inches fell in less than half an hour. Boy students were sent outside to help push any cars that may have become stuck. We were told the buses were on their way to take us home. The snow kept falling and it was a wet snow, ideal for rolling snow balls ---gigantic, mega snow balls!

One male student (name withheld) suggested we start rolling huge snow balls and block the entrance into the school. Imagine several boys rolling snow balls that were at least six feet in diameter. The snow balls were placed at the entrances to the "U" drive in front of the school.

About the time the buses started to arrive, our principal came out and shouted that the snow balls must be immediately removed. The snow was now so deep rolling them away was impossible. The only shovels at the school were in the coal fired boiler room. Two gents at a time had the shovels flying and the snow was knocked down to where the buses could safely turn.

On the trip back to Lovett our bus could not make it up the hill just outside the Paris Crossing turn off. The driver orders us out and to start pushing. Several boys pushing from the back got the bus to the top of the hill and our remaining journey home was without event. We were soaked from the flying snow from the large tires.

Can you imagine this happening today? Some parent would sue the school for putting their "Johnny" in harms way! Maybe some wrecker union would file a suit that the boys kept them from a paycheck! The school system today might sue the radio stations for not providing enough warning!

In all 12 years of schooling (Lovett and PCHS) I never knew of anyone suing anybody for anything! My have things changed!

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