Saturday, June 11, 2011

"This entire class will wind up in the penitentiary!"

Our sophomore class in 1956-57 was many, many years prior to the 'Self Esteem" mantra of our current school systems. It was equally ahead of the "I'M OK; YOU ARE OK" dictum of interpersonal relations. The book "Born To Win" was years from publication. Teacher physical/verbal abuse of students was  never reported. After all, who would you report it to? Township trustee who hired all of the Paris Crossing teachers and guess who he would believe or support. The parents would immediately side with the teachers  and promise worse went you got home.

It was the norm for teachers to do and say anything they pleased. Teacher/student fights were well known and it was usually the teacher who hit first. Fear and intimidation was a regular tool in some of the teacher's arsenal.

This lengthy introduction is the prelude to our Principal, Mr. Ira Whitaker's lumping all members of our class as candidates in training for The Big House. With his bald head cocked at an angry angle  he shouted, "This entire class will wind up in the penitentiary!"

Truth must have it's say: Our sophomore class was blessed with a few fellows who thought they were tough and just looked for an opportunity to prove it. I am not aware of either the incident or participants that merited this collective tongue lashing. Nonetheless, we were all "numbered with the transgressors."

I only personal know of one student in our class that was ever incarcerated. Sadly, that student was killed in an automobile accident shortly after his release from The Joint. There maybe others; however, I know many former members of our class that succeeded in making a living, but more importantly, in making a life. They took their marriage vows seriously; raised well adjusted children; and worked very hard in their daily efforts to earn a living.

If time could be returned to that day and our roles reversed, I would immediately call Ira Whitaker to my office and together we would work on an "attitude adjustment!"

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