Monday, June 27, 2011

My Post -1959 Favorite Sports Movies

1. Overall Favorite Sports Movie:

 Chariots of Fire  (1981) winner of four Oscars--Best Picture, Best Musical Score, Best Costume Design and Best Original Screen Play. Great story , mostly true, of Eric Liddel who ran for God's Glory and Harold Abraham who ran to overcome prejudice. Both were members of the 1924 British Olympic Track and Field team.

Title based on biblical reference: 2 Kings 2:11 & 6:17

Best Lines: 

Eric Liddell:   "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure."

Harold Abrahams:" Aubery, I've known the fear of losing, but now I am almost frightened to win."

2. Favorite Baseball Movie:

 The Natural (1984) A couple of off-the field mistakes keeps this hard throwing left hander from his dream of the Big Leagues. After 16 years this "Rookie" gets his shot as a right fielder. He is a hitting phenom. Brings a last place team to the brink of winning the National  League. land an old injury try to keep him out of the big game. In true Hollywood fashion, the NY Knights win with Roy Hobbes' big last inning homer.  

(Personal Note: I had my dreams of playing in the Major Leagues cut short by a freak accident----- NO TALENT!)

Many Great Lines:

Iris Gaines: You know, I believe we have two lives.
Roy Hobbs: How... what do you mean?
Iris Gaines: The life we learn with and the life we live with after that.

Pop Fisher: I shoulda been a farmer.

.Roy Hobbs: Pick me out a winner Bobby

3.Favorite Basketball Movie:

 Hoosiers (1986)  As mentioned in my very first Post, this movie was the fictional account of a real event. It was not the Hickory Huskers who pulled off the miracle, rather it was the Milan Indiana in 1954 who won it all on Bobby Plump's last second shot. This movie is THE movie to describe Indiana during my high school experience.

The great quotes tell the story:

Preacher Purl: And David put his hand in the bag and took out a stone and slung it. And it struck the Philistine on the head and he fell to the ground. Amen.

Coach Norman Dale: Welcome to Indiana basketball. 

Coach Norman Dale: You know, in the ten years that I coached, I never met anybody who wanted to win as badly as I did. I'd do anything I had to do to increase my advantage. Anybody who tried to block the pursuit of that advantage, I'd just push 'em out of the way. Didn't matter who they were, or what they were doing. But that was then. You have special talent, a gift. Not the school's, not the townspeople, not the team's, not Myra Fleener's, not mine. It's yours, to do with what you choose. Because that's what I believe, I can tell you this: I don't care if you play on the team or not. 

Merle Webb: Let's win this game for all the small schools that never had a chance to get here.  

Coach Norman Dale: I love you guys.

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