Monday, June 13, 2011

National Geographics at PCHS

The library at PCHS consisted of a small section of a rear corner of the study hall. Few books were in the library. In fact, a typical garage sale today would have almost as many volumes! The set of encyclopedias looked like reading material that came over on the Mayflower!

The library contained very few periodicals. However, one enjoyed wide readership---better make that "lookership."  The National Geographics magazine was and is photo driven. Far away places with strange sounding names could be "visited" in just a couple of minutes of rapid page flipping. It must also be noted the magazine was a teenage boy's best source of gazing at topless women from the remotest parts of the world.

But on one day the magazine was used as a tool by Mrs. Dillard to get my complete and undivided attention. Most of our Sophomore class was seated in the front section of the study hall and I was talking, I thought without discover, to a classmate, now deceased. Mrs. Dillard was the designated study hall monitor for this particular hour. She grasped a National Geographics magazine between her thumb and index finger. The stiff spine of the magazine was facing outward.

Out of nowhere came this karate like blow to the back of my neck from Mrs. Dillard's make shift tool of discipline. She had quietly approached me from behind. My eyes watered and for a micro second I had the urge to stand up and confront my attacker. Thankfully, I didn't. I did however stop talking. As far as I know I am the only recipient of this potentially crippling, or even fatal, blow to the back of the neck.

Mrs. Dillard did appoint me as the only boy librarian during my Junior year. All is well that ends well!

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