Friday, June 24, 2011

WELCOME New Readers of this Blog!!

Greetings from Glenn out on the Prairie in Oklahoma!

Where have the years gone? Here's another question for you---- why have our toenails become thicker and our pocketbooks thinner? Maybe it's just me but the years seem to be getting shorter and the days longer!

From personal experience, I can testify that life is sometimes unfair and our families are a lot different than "Leave it to Beaver." or "Ozzie and Harriet." As a pastor, I can assure you that every family is a bit dysfunctional. Hey, the very first family in the Garden of Eden could have filled an entire year of Oprah and Dr. Phil! Even with all of the challenges each of us face, can we glance in the rear view mirror a while and get reacquainted? 

There is no attempt in this Blog to be chronological or encyclopedic. Admittedly, the Blog contains much autobiographical info and MY personal reflections on those four years (in some cases12) of learning with you.

The first Post is a good place to start; however, jump in anywhere and leave your comments about a Post.

I especially want this Blog to honor the memories of our classmates who have answered the last roll call. Their passing should remind all of us of our own mortality and the need to share our experiences NOW. My children and grandchildren know little about those day at PCHS, maybe for some of us that's a good thing! So, it is up to us to get it said to the same people who traveled the same path to adulthood..

Emails can be sent to me at the address at the top of this Blog. Comments can be made directly to any Post.

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