Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oklahoma: Is This A Great State Or What?

Kentucky holds the legal papers of my birth; Indiana holds my early education and coming of age memories; but it is Oklahoma that holds my heart!

In the past couple days we have had several tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, flash flooding, large hail, snow in our Panhandle, and many aftershocks to the record 5.6 magnitude earthquake experienced Saturday night. One student at a local college, he is from Georgia, said of our weather," You have Bi-Polar weather here!"

We had over 50 days of 100 degrees or higher weather this past summer, experienced the worst drought since the "Dust Bowl" days, (many ranchers had to sell their herds), had many wild fires that destroyed thousands of acres and many houses and out buildings, had the largest snowfall ever recorded in the state, and several ice storms that took out lots of power lines and closed many schools. 

With wild bizarre weather like that, why would anyone voluntarily want to live here?

Just a few days in Oklahoma will provide the answer. It's the people! Oklahomans are caring, helping people.  Maybe it's the shared hardships that creates such a strong bond; maybe it's still the Frontier Spirit--we are just over 100 years as a State;  and maybe it's the varied topography and diverse population. Regardless,  people still look you the eyes  and say "Howdy".  (The BBQ and Mexican food ain't bad either.) People will pray for you and with you. Faith, Family and Freedom are still prized. 

I was once asked if I would ever return to Indiana or Kentucky to live? My reply: "Not unless God sends me an autographed message!"

Come experience the best kept secret in America!

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