Saturday, April 6, 2013


There is a grocery store just a mile or so from our house. I am the classic hunter-gather shopper. Sometimes I will be there three times during one day. The late night janitor and I and have become very close friends. The following true stories were told to me by the janitor:

1. While preparing to clean the Men's Restroom, he discovered an empty six-pack of beer and a magazine removed from the in-store rack.

The well read, happy shopper was never caught.

2. Many months later a man stole two steaks and went across the road to a convenience store where he go into a drunken brawl. The store owner called the Police and searched the brawler. As circumstances would have it, the butcher from the grocery store was there when the stolen steaks were discovered. (When I shared this story with my quick witted brother he interjected, "Where's the Beef?" The drunk was taken back to the grocery store and the security tape caught him red handed. He was arrested and booked in the County slammer.

3. I saw a young girl stuff something down her bra yesterday at Wal-Greens. he looked way to you to have had breast-augmentation implants

4. Cattle, horses, oil, tractors, trucks, and pecans are hot items for fast fingered thieves in Oklahoma. Smash and grab robberies are the easy get rich crimes here. Pawn shops are open on Sundays.

5. In Vermont and Maine, maple syrup is being lifted at night.

6. My granddaughter has had her bike stolen. One of her friends has had two stolen.

I have just got to ask: "Who's that Hope and Change working out for you????????" 

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