Friday, January 3, 2014



Residents in south Oklahoma City say they were forced to call 911 after an intruder showed up on their porch. However, the suspect was a goat.
“I heard some rumbling, and I thought that somebody was trying to break into the house, and then I come out here and check it,” Edgar Cardoza said. “Then I see it coming towards me, and so I run back inside. Heck no.”
Cardoza thought it was a burglar.
“It was a goat. I don’t know what it was.,” he said. “It was like a ram I think. Can’t really tell.”
It is big. Has horns, and it was using those horns to try to get inside Cardoza’s house. That is when he did the only thing he knew to do. He called 911.
“First somebody called and said that there was a goat running around the neighborhood, and as we were driving to it the homeowner where the goat actually was called in too to say that a ram was trying to beat down his front door,” OKC Police Lt. Jeff Spruill said.
Police arrived on scene.
“We got there,” Spruill said. “It wasn’t a ram. It was a goat, but it was trying to beat down his front door.”
Cardoza refused to come out of his house again.
“It’s pretty scary when it charges at you,” he said.
That’s when the goat turned his attention to police and went after them and their police cars.
“The front door was like this, and they had a window right here and the goat is right here hitting the front door, and so you can see the signs of someone peaking out the blinds, but they never came to the door,” Lt. Jeff Spruill said.  ”We had to communicate with them through dispatch.”
Cardoza displays a gun sign in his front window that reads “We don’t dial 911.” However, the goat was an exception.
“I don’t want to hurt an animal,” he said.
The goat was an exception police as well.
“If it were a burglar, a human burglar on their front porch we know how to deal with that,” Lt. Spruill said. “We’re trained and equipped, but we don’t know how to deal with a goat. We go deal with the things that nobody else wants to.”
Police dealt with the goat, but if he had been an actual person, things would have ended much differently.
“It would be attempted burglary,” Spruill said.
Cardoza says he now knows his neighbor uses that goat as a guard dog. The owner eventually captured his lost pet and took him back home.

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