Thursday, January 23, 2014

THE REAL COWBOY (Hint---Willie Nelson was wrong)

I recently met three generations of real cowboys. They reaffirmed my growing respect and admiration for the real cowboys in Oklahoma. In all fairness to Willie --there are probably a few cowboys he warned Mamas about.

The real cowboys I know:

  • Wear ball caps when working. Stetsons for dress up.  
  • Ride horses AND four 4-wheelers 
  • Are soft spoken---lot like Gary Cooper
  • Seldom smoke---some dip
  • Are family oriented, many are church goers
  • Few drink 
  • Treat their employees as family
  • Are politically conservative, but open minded
  • Are not afraid of technology 
  • Are happy and doing what they always wanted
  • Work unbelievable long hours
  • Keep cattle well fed regardless of the weather
  • Treat their horses as best friends
  • Are Very, Very Patriotic
Yes, these are the cowboys I know. Wish all of the readers of this Post could know them too.

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