Saturday, April 12, 2014

"The heart is deceitful above all things,....."

Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it."

Have you ever learned shocking info about a person you once knew several years ago? It happened to me this week.

A young couple with three little girls moved into our neighborhood about 12 years ago. When I met them the husband and the wife joyfully told me they were joint youth pastors in a church in a nearby town.

For what ever reason, they left that church and not very long thereafter, they went through a terrible divorce that included late night screaming and the local police department. After they moved the house they were renting had several fixtures broken or missing and holes in the walls that would make Hulk Hogan green with envy.

All divorces are sad and difficult on all concerned. This week I learned the woman had been arrested for child porn production, maybe involving her own children.

According to newspaper accounts she produced the child porn and forwarded it to a local pastor who sold it on the Internet!

I wanted to vomit. The fate of those girls concerns me more than anything.Sexual abuse is a crime that seems to keep on being replayed in the victim's mind and heart.

Some may ask--so what? Here's why I have included this account:

All of us have made snap judgments about people that time proved us wrong.

In addition, within the human heart, even born again believers, there is the capacity to do all manner of sin and wickedness.

It now appears each of the child abusers will get 15-30 years in prison. Knowing what I know about the code of prisoners I doubt if either make it out alive.

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