Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wal-Mart Analysis (Based on observations only) Part 1

A score of scholarly works have been completed on the economic, social, and even political impact a Wal-Mart store has on a city or community. You Tube is loaded with photos of Wal-Mart shoppers.
 This Post is an attempt to draw some unscientific conclusions from my observations of shoppers in OK,IN,MO, and IL. Please note the use of the correct term "SO" to refer to the Significant Other in the shopping team. 

1. The larger SO of a couple team usually pushes the cart and directs which items to pick up and place in the cart.

2. Teenage girls usually wear shorter shorts with Mom than when they are with Dad.

3. The youngest kid who is walking gets picked on the most.

4. Mothers shopping without a male SO talk louder to accompanying children than when the male SO is around.

5. Women on mobile shopping units have a sense of power and absolute domination they do not posses elsewhere.

6. The older a male is the more looking around and less time shopping.

7. The older women use lists and read the labels. Very fit females who are younger do the same.

8. Males buy more snack food than women. Especially, ice cream and soft drinks.

9. Well endowed teenage girls and young women will walk a bit different if they know males are watching.

10. Young couples who appear to be married or living together use "What do you like?" several times while shopping.

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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