Friday, May 15, 2015


                               Another Fiction Story

He had hoped that after 20 years of not seeing each other she would be thrilled to hear his voice on the phone. Yes, she was excited and there was that unstated but yet implied inflection in each of their voices that said more than the words---- perhaps a dinner date could soon be arranged. After all she had never married and he had been a widower for 12 years.

Time seemed to stop as the last week before their reunion dragged through the calendar, phone calls, texting, and eager anticipation. Each had very vivid and sensuous memories of their high school dating days. It is funny how time enriches good memories and mutes bad memories. Man, what a romance! Their parents, friends, and even casual acquiesces just knew these two constant companions were destined for the altar.  

In fact, she received an engagement ring just prior to her soon to be husband was drafted and sent to basic training. They were to be married when he received his first leave. Invitations were sent, dresses purchased, church scheduled, reception planned, and even honeymoon reservations made.

Sometimes events in life happen with little explanation or thought of consequences. Enter the first open post weekend for the young, virile soldier in training. He really did not set out to go with some of his platoon mates to a rough and ready strip joint just a mile from the main security gate.

Following several drinks and half a dozen lap dances he went to a crummy, broke down motel room with a pimple-scarred pole dancer. When he wakes up the next morning his wallet is missing and a match book with the dancer's phone number written with lipstick was on the sink. He hurriedly put on his uniform and calls a cab to reenter the post. A long talk at the security gate with the first sergeant and NCOIC of the security company got him back to his barracks. He drew two weeks of KP for his dumb stunt. But that was far from the worst.  

The first shirt told him to forget the evening and never go back to the strip joint. Somehow, six weeks later, the dancer finds him and informs him that she is expecting. Also, she has no idea what happened to his wallet. In this pre-DNA era he felt compelled to marry her. A short courthouse ceremony made it legal and binding.

His waiting sweetheart had to be admitted to a mental institution for three years when she got the news. The forced marriage produced a little boy that looked nothing like the supposed father and many nights of arguing until his wife was murdered late one night as she came home from her waitress job at an all night truck stop. The crime was never solved. The ME's report only concluded that she was killed at very close range.

The son was adopted by the bride's parents and grew up to be a lawyer specializing in divorce and adoption. His supposed Dad remained unmarried for all these many years. 

Now it was time to focus on the upcoming dinner date and the future. He was sure his high school heartthrob would understand the full reason their planned marriage fell apart. In fact he was so sure, he withdrew 8,000 dollars from his account in the hopes of just taking off with her to a month of fun and sun in Jamaica. What a grand way to get reunited!

The dinner date was as perfect as imagined. The food, the wine, the dancing: It was all top-notch. No one kept score but he must have said, "I am really sorry" a dozen times. She smiled and gave an approving nod each time. Each of them had gained a pound or two since high school but not in places that detracted from this night of rejoicing and plans for the future.  She was super excited about the get away plans and his big bucks already to go. All she needed was a suitcase and a new two-piece bikini. She had a suitcase and would buy a bikini in Jamaica that he liked. He let her out and slowly walked back to his car.  

The lead story on the local TV newscast next morning told of a murder, the victim was shot at close range, his wallet was missing, and police have no leads.She caught a cab to the airport and flew on to Jamaica. She wondered as she made the 3 1/2 hour flight how a pink bikini with black polka dots, at close range, would look.????

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday


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