Sunday, July 12, 2015


Late at night he would look out of his upstairs window and wonder what was beyond the horizon. Of course he knew what was three and one-half miles away. But the horizon he sought was not measured in miles, but in years. It is rare for anyone, much less a teenager, to have such a long view of life.

He was not really that much different from other boys growing up in the 1950's. Sports, Rock and Roll music and of course girls were in the front filing drawer of his mind. But he had some measuring sticks that few others his age possessed.

Shortwave radio brought him voices and places even his teachers had never heard or visited. The Cold War was at its worst. Yet, he heard the communist propaganda direct from Radio Moscow, Radio Havana Cuba, and other fellow travelers. 

But there was encouragement from nations that were friendly to the USA. The BBC, 

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