Wednesday, July 1, 2015



1. The Blog is a mixture of memories and other topics that interest me from time to time.

2. There is a certain amount of humor and a bit of sarcasm thrown in to keep us humble.

3. So far the Blog has endured several ups and downs. Keep logging in and tell your friends and social media gang about us. I receive no compensation, other than the joy of knowing some folks are regularly reading the Blog. As far as I know there is not any Blog like this one. Also, critics say what they want--I ain't goin' nowhere, no way!

4. Finally, some years ago I met a woman who works for a major oil exploration company in OK.
Her name is January. No joke, not April, Autumn, Summer , May, June, just January. Now some of you are saying SO WHAT!!!!! Just this ; most readers know that the month of January is named for the mythological god Janus who could see both forward and backward. This Blog is somewhat like Janus---looks back and looks ahead.

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday

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