During one assignment, I served with an officer who had attended Norte Dame University. We had several "discussions" about ND and Purdue football games. The rhetoric got rather intense and out of the blue he bet me $5 ND would defeat Purdue in their next football game. While I do not consider myself a betting person, I had the "Honor of Old Purdue" to uphold--so I took the bet.
Somehow, Purdue did win the next game and our reassignments prevented me from collecting on the bet. A couple of years passed and I stopped in Hawaii, enroute to a temporary duty assignment in the Pacific. I knew my ND friend was stationed in Hawaii and after a little research, I located him.
Before revealing the main reason I was in Hawaii, I pretended that I had finally tracked him down to collect my bet. He pulled out a Lincoln and I told him the rest of the story. Like most military friends, we lost track of each other. I heard through the grapevine, just before I retired, he and his wife had divorced. Maybe she bet against ND!!!!!
Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday
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