Thursday, September 15, 2011

Like Father, Like Son, Like Brother

Please follow very carefully this amusing story that our youngest daughter brought home from her 7th grade class in Ohio:

A boy classmate did an imitation of his 4 year old brother imitating their father. Let's see if you've got the situation: A seventh grade boy imitates his 4 year old brother who is imitating their father. Got it? OK.

                    "Durn kids! On my nerves!"

Most of us got our parenting skills from what we observed in our family while we were growing up. I wonder what sort of parents these two brothers have become.

Someone described raising children this way: "It is like hanging wallpaper. When you figure out how to do it you are done!!!! "

As I have mentioned in earlier Posts, I did not do a very good job as a father. Hopefully, God has given me another chance by placing three wonderful grandchildren in our care.

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