Friday, September 16, 2011

Other 1959 Famous Grads

This may be old news to some. I have a funny story at the end.

1. Ed Bradley---CBS Newscaster

2. Bob Dylan---I have his original "The Times They are A'Changin'" 33rpm Album. Wonder what it is worth?

3.  Rev. Jesse Jackson--- Famed Civil Rights Leader 

4. Martha Stewart---"That's A Good Thing" (I wonder if she made brownies in the Grey Bar Hotel?)

5. Barbara Streisand---Singer and Actress

While stationed in San Antonio, TX I served with an officer---Norm Comite---who was in Barbara Streisand's 1959 Class in Brooklyn. This story involves---Norm--- a true New Yorker and a died in the wool true Texan---Randy Hopkins. Randy was from Big D and mighty proud of it! The two argued constantly about which area was best---Texas or New York. Norm could see nothing good in Texas and Randy felt the same way about New York.

The argument, one particular day, centered on guns and violence. Randy maintained that New York City was the gangs,guns, and drug capital of the world. Norm shot back that Texans were trigger happy and would shoot first and ask questions later.

A couple of days passed and Norm came to work one morning wildly waving the latest edition of The San Antonio Light newspaper. Norm said, "Hopkins, this proves my point.". He found the story and started reading for all to hear. I present this abridged version. "A customer entered a bar in South San Antonio, produced a revolver and started shooting and six seated patrons returned the fire. (Emphasis is mine) Norm said , "See, I told you that Texans are gun crazy." Randy didn't have much of a rebuttal.

Part of the Rest of the Story--- Randy served his four years and got a job with Folgers Coffee in New Orleans and in a short period of time became the head brew master! I had to give up coffee in 1973 and when I prepare a pot of coffee for my wife, I often think of Randy--a real Texan! When I rotated Norm was still at the base.

Personal Comment: During 20 years in the USAF I was privileged to serve with the best and brightest this country has to offer.I must have several hundred stories like the one above. As mentioned in earlier Posts---We took our job of defending this great Nation very, very seriously, but we never took ourselves seriously. Late in the evening while seated in my recliner and halfway between sleep and awaken, I recall those exciting and challenging days with a sense of gratitude for being surrounded by such brave and brilliant people.

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