Thursday, September 1, 2011

We Were So Poor.......

If the late Ed McMahon was reading this Post he might ask, "How poor were you?" Ed, we were so poor.....

I was adopted by a family in South Korea who sent me fish heads and rice once a month. The mailman told my Dad he didn't have to look at the addressee to determine who would get the package.

We were so poor....

My brother and sister were adopted by a family in Ethiopia and they were sent camel jerky each month. They said the jerky didn't taste all that good; however, they only had to take a drink of water every three days!

We were so poor...

My folks couldn't afford a family dog. Instead, they gave us a tumbleweed. That was OK but every time the wind blew really hard the tumbleweed would run away from home.

We were so poor....

After racing to the undecorated Christmas Tree on Christmas morning and seeing no presents, Dad would always say the reason we had no gifts was Mr. and Mrs Claus were getting a divorce and Old Saint Nick had to save his money for alimony payments. 

We were so poor....

The kids on the bus thought our clothes were always ragged because we were constantly rehearsing for the Jennings County Playhouse production of "Oliver."

OK. These original attempts at humor fail to make the "rim shot" category. But you have to admit, I didn't talk about walking barefoot six miles through waste deep snow to go to a one-room log cabin school house that was heated by potbelly stove and the teacher was a grade school dropout from Kentucky!

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