Saturday, April 21, 2012

Special Springtime Wedding! V 2.0

(Note: This revision contains a validated true account)


I recently heard of a pastor who was on his way to a Friday night wedding rehearsal for a Saturday afternoon wedding. On his way he received a cell call from his brother who asked where he was going. The pastor told him about the wedding and rehearsal.

The brother remarked, "Will there be a rehearsal dinner?"
The pastor replied, "I sure hope so. I haven't eaten all day."

The brother continued, "You'll be eating those big ribs, big hams, fried chicken, biscuits and gravy; all the while I'll continue sipping on this day old coffee and eating this baloney sandwich."

The pastor tried gracefully to end the conversation and get on down the road. "See you later, have a great evening," said the pastor. He hung up before the brother could reply.

The wedding rehearsal started a bit late but went very, very well. The pastor had the rehearsal dinner upper most on his mind, make that his stomach.

After the rehearsal, the pastor went into the church's Fellowship Hall area and quickly saw there was no rehearsal dinner. After saying goodbye, he headed to the nearest McDonalds where he bought a big, dollar Dr. Pepper and a dollar double cheese burger. (When you pastor a rural church it is Chicken one week and Feathers the next. This was a Feathers week!)

The wedding on Saturday went very well. The bride was as pretty as a model on the cover of Bride Magazine. In fact, the pastor remarked that in several decades of ministry he had never seen a more beautiful bride! He further stated that she possessed a regal outward and inward beauty. 

What makes this wedding even more remarkable is at the end of the service the Bride's 2 year-old nephew drove a small battery operated car from the altar to the door with the sign "Just Married" on it and several Pepsi cans trailing behind!The pastor remarked that he had never seen anything like this before.

The Groom is a great fellow who somehow survived a previous disastrous marriage. His daughter and her two boys will make a solid Christ-centered home.

The pastor told several people at the wedding he was not a betting person, but if he were he would put the entire farm on the chances of this marriage making it.


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