Sunday, October 28, 2012

Recent Letter Prinited in Shawnee News-Star

You may find the following interesting. It is MY opinion. I do feel very strongly about these issues.

October 24, 2012
Shawnee News-Star
Letters to the Editor:

My Thesaurus does not contain words that are strong enough to express my anger and disbelief over the recent revelation concerning the Benghazi timeline.

Allegedly, members of the US Intelligence Community, Pentagon, and the White House were aware of the seven hour battle that led to the death of our ambassador and three other U.S. citizens. Real time video, phone calls, and emails leave no doubt this was a well coordinated terrorist attack against the United States owned land, property and citizens at Benghazi. Also, allegedly, a U.S. drone was flying over the incident. Information about possible drone armaments has not been revealed in the public press. U.S. airpower resources were within an hour of Benghazi.

When the smoke cleared, four Americans were dead, the ambassador had been raped, (apparently the location of these four was provided by Libyan guards we had hired to protect our people and property) our embassy was ransacked, secret documents compromised, and American international prestige damaged—perhaps beyond repair.

Many, many other details are coming forth that clearly show that the immediate official response of a spontaneous riot over an internet video were not only wrong, but intentionally substituted for the truth.

As a U.S. citizen I ask at what terror threshold do we defend our people and property?  As a retired military member I ask what ever happened to “leave no one behind” doctrine? As grandfather of a soon to be 18 year old grandson what do I tell him about post high school military options?

This incident transcends the elections in November. It strikes at the heart of who we are as a nation and how important are American lives lost to terrorism. In case you have forgotten—this incident happened on September 11, 2012!

Glenn C. Peck

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