Saturday, October 6, 2012

The More She ChangesThe More She Remains The Same!

She wore change like a well earned badge of honor.

Time had etched shallow wrinkles in random rows upon her face.

Her neck which was once so Cleopatra - like had enlarged some and was dotted here and there with small moles and skin tags.

Her brown hair was now snow white; yet, each hair remained in the same place over the many years.

Her beautiful nose could have launched a thousand ships. Now it had sunspots and some light brown moles.

Her voice was a bit subdued but remained purposeful and direct.

The lips of this lovely woman required little lipstick. They framed an infectious smile. Now a few vertical lines found a home on her lips. Her smile never dimmed.

The twinkle and occasional winking of her eyes has never changed. Love, Hope and Compassion radiates with the same illumination as ever before.

Age has not conquered her---she has conquered age! 

                                   ---Glenn C. Peck

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