Monday, November 26, 2012

""D.....MN, Your Dim Lights!!"

A fellow classmate was driving his car on the highway near the old Nixon's store. His passengers include three other Juniors, one of which was me.

An approaching car had its lights on High Beam. The driver, wanting to impress us said, ", your dim lights." We all had a big laugh because he meant to say, "Dim your lights!"

We kidded him many, many times thereafter.

Side Note:   I do not recall many times when boys would use bad language around girls during our high school days. Today, you hear girls using the same bad language as the boys. The easily overheard language today is loaded with "F Bombs" and crude references to body parts and sexual activity. References to past or future parties are frequent. Please, please understand this side note is in no way justifying the use of bad language by boys OR girls.

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