Thursday, November 22, 2012


In spite of the many challenges we face as a nation and as individuals, we are indeed most blest.

Statistically, we should have been born and reared in a nation with meager economic means. Statistically, we should have a much lower standard of living and life expectancy. Statistically, we should live in a country with much less freedom and opportunity. Statistically, we should live in a country with limited or no religious liberty.

But our all knowing, all powerful Heavenly Father chose by His Sovereign Grace and Mercy to place us outside statistics and permit us to enjoy the blessings of America.

Perhaps the words from the old hymn says it best: "Count your many blessings, name them one by one, count your many blessings and see what God has done." 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2012 !!!!!!!!!!

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