Saturday, March 30, 2013

HAPPY EASTER 2013 !!!!!

The great English preacher, C.H. Spurgeon, once observed: "We can never make too much of Jesus' Crucifixion; however, we can often make too little of the Resurrection."

Read and Rejoice:

Joh 20:1 The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre.

Joh 20:2 Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.

Joh 20:3 Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.

Joh 20:4 So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.

Joh 20:5 And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in.

Joh 20:6 Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie,

Joh 20:7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.

Joh 20:8 Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw, and believed.

Joh 20:9 For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

Joh 20:10 Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.

Joh 20:11 But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre,

Joh 20:12 And seeth two angels in white sitting, the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.

Joh 20:13 And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.
Joh 20:14 And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.

Joh 20:15 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away.

Joh 20:16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.

Joh 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

Joh 20:18 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.

Joh 20:19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.

Joh 20:20 And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord.

May Almighty God Unzipper Heaven On Your Family This Blessed Easter.

Daddy's Girl ! A different twist to the term

Most of the time the term Daddy's Girl is reserved for a girl who is the special favorite of her father.
I recently met a person who told a rather interesting story. In this case, Daddy's Girl assumes an entirely different meaning.

This person told of jokingly telling his wife of many years that he was not man enough to wear a pink shirt. Her instantaneous reply, "You've got that right!" 

On several occasions, the wife would remind her husband that her father would do things differently than he was doing them.

Once while watching a TV Western about the wagon trains heading West, the husband asked her if she would like to have traveled West on a wagon train? She told him, "Yes, if my Dad went with me."

The husband said his father in law once drew his fist back to hit him because of a very minor disagreement. The father in law once told his daughter, the one in question here, that he always preferred her younger sister to her.

The man confessed to me that his marriage was basically a sham. It was always lived out with the wife's father the center of attention.

What is hard to understand is she considers her father a hero and he considers her younger sister the apple of his eye.

Why would I devote a Post to this strange subject?
Maybe, just maybe, someone else is living through this nightmare and they should be encouraged that with the Grace of God they can make it through. The man telling me the story is a walking testimony to that truth. Life Hurts. God Heals. Church Helps!  

Finally, being a pastor is happy, hard work!

Monday, March 18, 2013



1. Saw a TV---B & B Auto Supply in North Vernon. TV was in window huge crowd on the sidewalk. Show was "Midwestern Hayride" WLW-T, Cincinnati. Year about 1951.

2. Saw Color TV---Wife's uncle and aunt. Year about 1961.


"OLD FOLKS" Lexicon

It is strange how as I age I feel a greater and closer kinship with "Old Folks" I knew as a boy. Here are a few expressions from the past, some are still in use by some of my family. (Hey, we are the Jr. side of the "Old Folks!"

a. Tonic-----"She was a good tonic for him." The emphasis is on how one person is good for another person.

b. Tolerable----- "I guess I am doing tolerable." A term that suggests a person is not feeling real good or real bad.

c. Much Obliged----"Much obliged for the cake." A phrase that denotes thanks and has the unspoken obligation to do something nice in return.

d. Fair to Middling.-----"Bill said he was still feeling fair to middling." A term used to characterize state of health.

e. Scrap off the scab.-----"Hope my story doesn't scrape off the scab." An apology for mentioning something that might bring back unpleasant memories.


Guess that's enough for now.


As kids we learned the little song: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never harm me" (I've said that before in an earlier post)

As adults we learned that words, and more particularly, actions associated with words do indeed hurt. Words are like arrows-----once launched they cannot  "unshoot." The Bible, especially in Proverbs and James, says much about hurtful words and actions.

On a positive note, a word fitly spoken can do tremendous good.

Since my earliest recollection, I have been fascinated by words and the mental images they paint. That is one reason why I enjoy poetry so much. I good poem lets you fill in the blanks from your own experiences and understanding.

With that rather long prelude, the word for today is "rebuff." What follows are some insights from several sources on the Internet.

rebuff n. A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer. A check or an abrupt setback to progress or action.

brushoff, check, cold shoulder, cutdefeatdenialdiscouragement, go-by, hard time,insultkick in the teeth, nix, nothing doing, oppositionrebukerefusalrejection,reprimand, repulse, slightsnub, thumbs down, turndown

 Synonyms for rebuff:

deny, reject, repel, spurn, refuse, cast off, decline, discard, disdain, dismiss, repulse, shrug off, turn down, turn from, repudiate

 re·buff  (r


1. A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer.

2. A check or an abrupt setback to progress or action.

tr.v. re·buffedre·buff·ingre·buffs

1. To reject bluntly, often disdainfully; snub. See Synonyms at refuse1.

2. To repel or drive back.





treatment that is deliberately unfriendly <took her rebuff in stride, and still greeted her cousin with a friendly smile the next time they met>

Related Words dismissalkiss-offrejectionbanishment,blackballostracism

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday


Thursday, March 14, 2013

WARNING ! I get goofy when Spring comes !



                                 1.       It is safe to buy canned food if the can is

                                           a.       Several years out of date

                                          b.      Bloated on both ends

                                          c.       Rusted on the rim of the can

                                         d.      All of the above

                                 2.       At the family reunion it is safe to eat

                                        a.       Aunt Ruth’s potato salad left out in the sun

                                        b.      Uncle Henry’s 3 year old BBQ

                                        c.       Grandma’s fly-blown cream cheese cake

                                        d.      All of the above

                               3.        You go with Mom to buy fruit at a roadside stand

                                       a.       Completely black bananas are OK

                                       b.      Half of a watermelon covered with burlap is OK

                                      c.       Tomatoes that have turned gray are fine

                                      d.      All of the above

Remember, I warned you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013



March 11, 2013

Shawnee News-Star

Letters to the editor:

The Pentagon and Secretary of Defense has lately been much in the news.

By the Grace of God, and a bit of good luck, I was able to avoid a permanent assignment to the “Puzzle Palace” (military jargon for the Pentagon). Several temporary duty assignments and discussions with military and civilian personnel assigned there provide the background for this letter.

The Pentagon is unbelievably large in physical size and thousands of people work there. Commuting to work is a daily clock burning adventure. I think I may have talked to the all-time long distance commuter. He drove three hours, each way, from Pennsylvania. Fortunately, he had only six months to go before retirement.

Considerable effort is expended to put a public “purple face ”on decisions. Purple represents the coordinated position of all service uniform colors. In fact, I just had to catch a drink of water from the only purple water fountain in the building.

Below the Joint Chiefs level of command, some real spirited and heated debate takes place between service staff officers. To a large extent, performance reports reflect the ability of a staff officer to defend their service’s position on hot button issues like roles and mission, force structure, base closures, budgeting, and Congressional inquiries. In most cases, day-to-day mission accomplishment is left to theater and field unit commanders.

The Pentagon is the Madison Square Garden for general and flag officers climbing the promotion ladder. Advancing careers are made or lost here.

Most of my service career was spent in field operations units. We had a saying: “Nothing is true until the Pentagon denies it three times!” 

Glenn, USAF (Ret)                     


Sunday, March 10, 2013


During my high school, black and white TV, days I saw a two man play that remains a part of my slowly dissolving memory bank.

Two British officers were the best of friends and were stationed together in the remotest part of the Union Jack Kingdom. Mail was the only link that kept the troops connected to the world they had left behind.

Captain Jones (made up name) received lots of letters, including letters from Captain Smith's cheating wife. This illicit affair was unknown to Captain Smith who never received any mail.

Loneliness drove Captain Smith to the edge of suicide. He succeeded in making a deal with Captain Jones to purchase---sight unseen---one of Captain Jones' letters. The letters were placed face down, and for a very large sum, Captain Smith purchased his only letter.

Captain Smith refused to let Captain Jones know the contents of the letter. Panic grew as he contemplated the bought letter was really from Smith's wife addressed to Captain Jones. Jones tried to buy it back with no luck.

As days passed these good friends became bitter enemies. All of this animosity only served to strengthen Jones' fears. What if Smith discovered his best friend was carrying on this secret affair behind his back?

Murder was the only way out. Captain Jones killed Smith and rifled through his things. He quickly found the letter and withdrew the contents. It was an advertisement for a Macintosh (British for a raincoat!!!!!)

Glenn <><

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Lost in the land of almost awake
My palm down silent hand moves
In random directions toward her
Her slowly moving hand finds mine

Words forbidden in land oft traveled
Our knowing fingers unite in darkness
Squeezes that imitate the grasp of babies
Daylight breaks anew but not our hands 

                                      ---Glenn <><

Monday, March 4, 2013

WW II---The Seminal Event in Our Lifetime

The geopolitical and economic consequences of the allied victory cannot be overstated.

Consider these factors that can be traced to the WW II:

1. The new role of women in the workforce outside the home

2. The rapid advances in technology, esp---aviation & electronics

3. The draft and death touch many, many homes

4.  Forced white America to take first feeble steps toward integration

5. Hastened the flight from the farm to the cities

6. Changed completely the voice and tenor of popular music

7. Introduced many Americans to the larger world

8. Proved Americans could get by with less

9. Formed the foundation for the post-War building and baby boom

10. Had a major impact upon faith and trust in all religions

Tom Brokaw said it best. "The Greatest Generation"

""SKIP A ROPE" -------Henson Cargill V 2.0

This simple song has never been more applicable than it is today.

Henson Cargill
Skip A Rope lyrics

Skip a rope, skip a rope
Oh, listen to the children
While they play
Now ain't it kinda funny
What the children say
Skip a rope

Daddy hates mommy
Mommy hates dad
Last night you shoulda heard
The fight they had

Gave little sister
Another bad dream
She woke us all up
With a terrible scream


Cheat on your taxes
Don't be a fool
Now what was that they said
About a golden rule

Never mind the rules
Just play to win
And hate your neighbor
For the shade of his skin


Stab em in the back
That's the name of the game
And mommy and daddy
Are who's to blame

Skip a rope, skip a rope
Just listen to your children
While they play
It's really not very funny
What the children say
Skip a rope, skip a rope
Skip a rope, skip a rope

More lyrics:

I tried to sing a portion during a message on FORGIVENESS (over half of the serious problems I deal with concerns

Friday, March 1, 2013



1. The Searchers

2.  Red River

3.  She Wore A Yellow Ribbon

4.  Stagecoach

5. Comancheros


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