Monday, March 18, 2013


As kids we learned the little song: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never harm me" (I've said that before in an earlier post)

As adults we learned that words, and more particularly, actions associated with words do indeed hurt. Words are like arrows-----once launched they cannot  "unshoot." The Bible, especially in Proverbs and James, says much about hurtful words and actions.

On a positive note, a word fitly spoken can do tremendous good.

Since my earliest recollection, I have been fascinated by words and the mental images they paint. That is one reason why I enjoy poetry so much. I good poem lets you fill in the blanks from your own experiences and understanding.

With that rather long prelude, the word for today is "rebuff." What follows are some insights from several sources on the Internet.

rebuff n. A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer. A check or an abrupt setback to progress or action.

brushoff, check, cold shoulder, cutdefeatdenialdiscouragement, go-by, hard time,insultkick in the teeth, nix, nothing doing, oppositionrebukerefusalrejection,reprimand, repulse, slightsnub, thumbs down, turndown

 Synonyms for rebuff:

deny, reject, repel, spurn, refuse, cast off, decline, discard, disdain, dismiss, repulse, shrug off, turn down, turn from, repudiate

 re·buff  (r


1. A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer.

2. A check or an abrupt setback to progress or action.

tr.v. re·buffedre·buff·ingre·buffs

1. To reject bluntly, often disdainfully; snub. See Synonyms at refuse1.

2. To repel or drive back.





treatment that is deliberately unfriendly <took her rebuff in stride, and still greeted her cousin with a friendly smile the next time they met>

Related Words dismissalkiss-offrejectionbanishment,blackballostracism

Glenn <><
Just West of Yesterday


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